Level 32, 152 St Georges Tce Perth 6000

William Gerard Legal

Lawyers & Solicitors

For All Your Legal Needs, We’re With You. Specialist Lawyers Perth

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Level 32, 152 St Georges Tce, Perth WA 6000


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William Gerard Legal opening hours in Perth

Lawyers & Solicitors near me

William Gerard Legal opening hours in Perth

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
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About Us

William Gerard Legal - Promotion

About William Gerard Legal

  • Criminal Lawyer Perth
  • Immigration Lawyer Perth
  • Lawyer Perth
  • AAT Appeal
  • Visa Refusal
We aren't your traditional law firm. We will work with you to achieve the best legal outcome for your circumstances
Founded by Hamish W Glenister and David G Pereira. Hamish has significant experience acting as counsel and instructing counsel in both State and Federal courts. David has practical real world experience when it comes to many of the issues faced by our clients and his insight into how best solves problems. David holds government regulated licences to advise on tax, financial advice and immigration.

Migration Lawyer and Immigration Lawyer

  • Visa refusal appeal
  • Visa application
  • Legal representation
  • Legal advice Perth
  • Visa Cancelled

Visa Cancelled

Visa cancellation under section 501(2) of the Migration Act 1958:

If you fail the character test, your visa is liable to cancellation under section 501(2) of the Migration Act. This provision is not used as often as it used to be due to the advent of mandatory cancellation under section 501(3A) of the Migration Act. However, we have noticed that the Department have been reviewing the cases of long term permanent residents with criminal histories with a view to cancelling their visas.

Extraordinary Driver’s Licence Applications:

One of the most common enquiries I have had from prospective clients is about whether they can get an extraordinary driver’s licence. The ability to apply for and obtain an extraordinary driver’s licence is reserved for those people who would be disproportionately penalised by the loss of their licence. For instance, if your job depends on your ability to drive you will normally be eligible for an extraordinary driver’s licence.

Payment Methods

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74 639 573 701
Also trades as
William Gerard Legal

Products and Services

William Gerard Legal - Promotion


Federal Court


Legal Advice, Legal Information


Appeals, Civil Disputes, Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Immigration & Naturalisation, Property Law, Visas


Domestic Abuse, Domestic Partners, Drink Driving, Drink Driving - Exceeding 0.05, Driving Causing Injury, Family Violence, Restraining Orders, Sex Offences, Stalking

Catering To

Criminal Law, Immigration, Insurance, International Law, Taxation Law, Traffic Law


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  • Need a consultation?

    We offer obligation free consultations. Whatever your legal issue, you can expect frank and fearless advice focused on achieving the best outcome for you.