About Us
Products and Services
Our Services Include:
Open Monday - Friday
Acupuncture, Adjustments, By Appointment, Consultations, Maintenance Care, Pain Management, Quotes, Spinal Adjustment, Spinal Alignment, Spinal Care Classes, Spinal Exercises, Spinal X-Ray
Commercial, Family Care, Industrial, Spinal Health, Sports Care
Arm Pain, Back, Back Pain, Elbows, Feet, Hands, Head, Headaches, Hips, Injuries, Joints, Knees, Leg Pain, Muscle Aches, Muscles, Neck, Neck Pain, Shoulders, Spine, Wrists
Children, Couples, Families, Individuals, Men, Seniors, Women
midland chiropractor, Spinal Care, midland chiropractors, midland chiropractic, Family Health, midland chiropractic clinic, Headaches And Migraines, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Health Care, Knee Pain, Wrist Injuries, Sports Injuries, Acupuncture, chiropractors midland
Chiropractors in Australia are a nationally registered and a regulated health care profession. Chiropractic is a drug and surgery free modality of treatment concerned with the diagnosis, management and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system; this includes the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health
Our chiropractors provide individual specific health care service. The type of treatment varies according to the age and health of the individual.
Chiropractors provide patient-centred care and work in partnership with the consumers of chiropractic services. The typical chiropractic care of infants and young children involves the use of low-force low-amplitude techniques in contrast to those used on the adult population that typically involve more high velocity, low-amplitude thrust in combination with a variety of low-force low-amplitude treatment procedures.
Chiropractors are registered by the Chiropractic Board of Australia and like all other registered health care providers, must adhere to National Law and profession specific codes of conduct and guidelines. Chiropractic care is delivered by university educated, regulated healthcare professionals. There is high expressed satisfaction by parents/guardians seeking care of their children. The profession is committed to ensuring evidence informed care is provided to patients
All healthcare interventions carry a level of risk and treatment will be informed by evidence, clinician experience and patient participation. There is significant review and reform occurring in Australia to ensure that patients receive appropriate care, utilising effective treatments and underpinned by exemplary conduct.
This will be determined after a full history and physical examination. It may not always be necessary to take X-rays unless they are absolutely required to make a definitive diagnosis, we will speak to you about taking X-rays.