2/42 Victoria St Midland 6056


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Helena Street Dental Clinic opening hours in Midland

Dental Hospital & Emergency Dental near me

Helena Street Dental Clinic opening hours in Midland

8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat By Appointment
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Open Weekdays and Saturday
Additional Contacts
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About Us

Helena Street Dental Clinic - Promotion

About Helena Street Dental Clinic

  • New patients and emergencies are welcome
  • Encourage preventive techniques
  • Offer the finest level of consultation
  • Best available general & cosmetic dental treat
New patients and emergencies welcome. Call us now.
We service the Midland and Hills area of Perth.

Professional Dental Care In A Friendly Relaxed Environment.

Our aim at Helena Street Dental Clinic is to provide our patients with a high quality of service, offering the best modern clinical dentistry.

We aim to - encourage dental preventive techniques - helping you to understand how to maintain good oral hygiene therefore preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Offer the finest level of consultation and the best available general dentistry and cosmetic dental treatments. Provide safe, comfortable, and ethical dentistry.

We understand how important your teeth are to your health, your appearance and your self-confidence. In our practice there are no one-size-fits-all solutions. Our team of dental professionals spend time with each patient, finding out what matters to you and customising dental treatments to meet your individual needs.




Whether for a consultation appointment, or you just need some advice, please feel free to contact our practice and speak with one of our friendly and helpful Helena Street Dental Midland team members.

Helena Street Dental Clinic

2/42 Victoria St, Midland WA 6056

Ph. (08) 9250 3100 Fax: (08) 9250 5892

Email: [email protected]

Monday to Friday: 8.30am till 5.00pm

Saturday: By Appointment

Sunday and Public Holidays: Closed

Payment Methods

ChequesEFTPOSMastercardMoney OrderVisa
72 693 934 973
Also trades as
Helena Street Dental Clinic
Also listed under

Products and Services

Helena Street Dental Clinic - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Bridgework, Crowns, Denture Repairs, Extractions, Fillings, Implants, Repairs, Replacements


Accredited, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Disabled Access, Emergency Services, Evaluations, Insurance Accepted, Needle Free, Pain Management, Quotes, Registered


Broken Teeth, Dentures, Gum Diseases

Catering To

Adults, Children, Family Dentistry, Restorative Dentistry, Teenagers


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  • What should I do if I have a swelling?

    Swellings are caused by an infection. Contact us immediately to receive treatment or antibiotics.

  • What should I do in an event of a dental emergency?

    Please call the practice immediately on 9250 3100, so that we can arrange an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you. We set aside time each day for people in pain and discomfort, so chances are that we will be able to see you on the same day.

  • What should I do to cure a toothache?

    If you are suffering from a painful toothache, something is wrong that requires attention. Contact us immediately to organize an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are recommended; do not exceed the maximum dose.

  • What should I do if I have fractured my tooth?

    Fractured teeth can usually be restored so there is no need to panic. If the tooth is painful, avoid hot or cold and avoid eating or biting on that side i.e. relieve the tooth from extremes of temperature and pressure. Painkillers such as Ibuprofen or Paracetamol may help. Pain-free treatment is usually available by contacting us quickly.

  • What if I have lost a crown?

    Keep your crown safe so it can be re-cemented as soon as possible to avoid damage or the need for root canal treatment. Contact us immediately.

  • What if I have knocked a tooth out?

    "The tooth needs to be re-implanted into its socket immediately. "Try not to handle the tooth root to protect the fibres around the root surface. "If possible, place the tooth back into the socket and splint in place with silver paper. "DO NOT place the tooth in water. "DO place the tooth in cold milk or on one side of your mouth between your teeth and cheeks "Contact us immediately

  • What if I have broken my denture?

    Broken dentures can usually be repaired relatively easily. Please resist the temptation to glue them together yourself as this often makes a repair very difficult. Contact us to organise the repair.