4 Armstrong St Geraldton 6530

Midwest Community Living opening hours in Geraldton

Midwest Community Living opening hours in Geraldton

8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Open Monday to Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Midwest Community Living - Promotion

About Midwest Community Living

We service in the Gascoyne and Midwest Regions.

Midwest Community Living Association is committed to providing quality, individualised support for people with disability and their families. We are part of the local community and very responsive to your needs. Our support services include:

  • Respite Services
  • Personal Care
  • Community Access
  • Social Support
  • Support with Independent Living.

We support your choices and provide opportunities for People with Disability and their families to live as part of the community.


Products and Services

Midwest Community Living - Promotion


Community Living, Special Needs


Attendant Care, Respite Care




Intellectual Disabilities

Catering To

All Ages


Independent Living, Support Service, People With Disability


  • What level of support you can offer?

    We provide affordable housing and support services to people with disabilities. We assist people with disability to be able to live independently in their homes or with their family. Our services range from assisting people with disability with their finances, paying bills, or shopping. We can also assist people with disability with dressing, washing and medications.

  • Who do you provide support for?

    We support people with various disabilities including: People who have learning disabilities, including profound and multiple learning disabilities; People who have complex health needs; People who have physical disabilities or mobility problems; People who have sensory impairments (e.g., visual impairment); People who have difficulties in communication; People who have challenging behaviour; People who have Autism, Asperger syndrome, other autistic disorders.

  • What does your Organisation offer?

    Our Mission: Enriching the lives of People with Disability and their families by supporting choices and creating opportunities to live as part of the community. Our Vision: A lifestyle of choice and opportunity for People with Disability Our Values: People - we listen & respect, we are supportive & understanding. Respect - in every interaction we treat others as we would like to be treated. Integrity - we are open & honest. Commitment - we will do the best we can within our team & community.