About Us
Products and Services
Right Step Podiatry currently bulk bills medicare patients who have Current care plan. Right Step Podiatry is also a Medibank members choice provider and participates in the HCF more for feet program.
Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays
Orthotic Footwear
Acupuncture, Assessments, Biomechanical Therapy, Doppler, Exercise Physiology, Footwear Advice, Gait Analysis, HICAPS, Insole Therapy, Orthoses, Orthotic Therapy, Referrals, Therapeutic Manipulation, Ultrasounds
Biomechanics, Children's Foot Problems, Diabetic Management, Medicare, Nail Surgery, Orthotics, Othotics Devices, Veterans Affairs, Wound Care
Accredited, Accredited Podiatrist, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Evaluations, Examinations, On-Site Services, Pensioner Discount, Registered, Senior Discounts
Achilles Tendonitis, Ankle Sprains, Ankles, Arches, Arthritis, Athletes Foot, Bunions, Calluses, Club Feet, Corns, Cracked Heels, Diabetes, Feet, Flat Feet, Forefoot, Growing Pains, Heel Pain, Heels, High Arched Feet, Hips, Infections, Ingrown Toenails, Injuries, Joints, Knees, Legs, Limbs, Nails, Neuromas, Pain, Running Injuries, Shin Splints, Shins, Skin, Sports Injuries, Strains, Trauma, Tripping, Warts
Adults, Children, Chiropody, General Podiatry, Infants, Seniors, Sportspeople, Veterans
Corns and Callus, Nail Surgery, General Footcare, Bunions, Achilles Injuries, Arthritis, Foot Dry Needling, Heel Pain, Podiatrist, Childrens Podiatrist, Ingrown Toenails, Podiatry Exercise Advice, Foot Acupuncture, Podiatrist Canning Vale, Foot Arch Pain, Podiatry Exercise Science, Verruccas, Mortons Neuroma, Children’s Orthoses, High Arches, Podiatry Service Near me, Shoe Advice, Feet growing Pains, Podiatrist Near Me, Orthoses, Diabetics Foot Helath, Podiatry Service, Best Podiatrist, Fooot Strapping, Verruca Treatments, Pedicure, Shockwave, Flat Feet, Footcare
Right Step Podiatry is located at Unit 4, 2 Panama Street, Canning Vale, WA 6155.
Right Step Podiatry provides care for all ages, from 2 to 102 years old, and for various sports.
Yes, Medicare patients with a current Enhanced Primary Care Plan can be seen, but a small gap payment will apply.