Painters Registration No. 4054
About Us
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I am your interior and exterior Domestic House Painting Specialist.
You can count on me for a professional, guaranteed and reliable service.
No job too small.
I take great pride in my work.
I aim for 100% customer satisfaction every time.
Free Quotes, Locally Operated, Registered
Maintenance, Re-painting, Repairs, Restorations, Special Effects, Staining, Texturing, Varnishing
Ceilings, Doors, Environmentally Friendly Paints, Extensions, Feature Walls, Renovations, Residential, Walls, Weatherboards, Window Frames
Open Monday - Friday
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We offer our services to Leschenault and surrounding areas.
You can call us on 0412 492 862.
Yes, we offer free quotes.
Yes, we are registered.
Yes, we are Australian owned and operated business.
Yes, we offer guarantee for our work.