Vital Health Naturally To Have You Looking And Feeling Good
About Us
Products and Services
In house tests: Tongue & Nail assessment Iridology Allergy testing.
External: Blood Saliva & Urine for health and /or hormone assessment Hair Analysis. We use a combination of western herbs and Chinese herbal formulas along with quality nutritional products.
Flexible Hours, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays
Herbal Remedies, Natural Remedies, Traditional Chinese Medicine
Alternative Health Clinics, By Appointment, Consultations, Disabled Access, Mail Order, Registered
Acne, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Asthma, Chronic Fatigue, Constipation, Depression, Digestive Disorders, Dizziness, Eczema, Hayfever, Headaches, Impotence, Infertility, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel, Menopause, Migraines, Pain Relief, Period Pain, Pregnancy, Psoriasis, Sinusitis, Skin Conditions, Stress, Weight Loss
Over 15 Years
diet plan, weight loss treatment, naturopaths near me, digestive problems, Bunbury Herbalist Heart Digestive Constipation, Ear Candling Anti-Ageing Sinus Dark field Gluten, Chronic Emotions Acute Medical Herbal Naturopathic, weight loss treatment centres, Bunbury Naturopath Herbs Herbalist Blood tests, herbalists Bunbury, VLA assessment monitoring, Bunbury naturopaths, Detox Vitality Naturopath Bunbury Testing VLA, recipes, Period pain Menopause Endometriosis Flushes Sweats, naturopath near me, weight loss treatment centres near me, body fat loss, Conception Pregnancy Male Hormones Men's Energy, Iridology Inflammation Arthritis Migraines Sports, PMS Depression Bloating Reflux Fatigue Sleep issue, exercise VLA assessment monitoring, naturopath Bunbury, stress therapy, PCOS Endometriosis Cancer Busselton Kidney Injury, naturopath, ADHD, Fertility Cravings Migraines Bunbury Naturopath, digestive system treatment, health and wellness, herbalists near me, wellness, herbalist, Irritable bowel General health Osteoporosis Capel, meal plans, naturopaths south west, Bunbury naturopath, protein powders, skin problems, Immune Children Women’s Hormones Stress Anxiety, Diet Nutrition Hair analysis Headaches Depression, Asthma Allergies Rheumatoid arthritis Ross River, vitality wellness, herbalists south west, Digestive Fitness Gift vouchers Vitamins Memory, Minerals Health Foods Books Iridology Brain Study, weight loss treatment centre, IBS Collie Harvey Urinary Dunsborough Headaches BP, naturopath south west, Polycystic ovarian Skin disorders Insomnia Energy
Naturopaths are trained to understand how to use herbal medicines with prescription tablets. There are certain herbs that are advised not to use if you are on blood thinners like Warfarin, or blood pressure tablets, antidepressants or if you have kidney or other health issues that might impact the treatment. As part of our wholistic programme, we take a detailed history in order to understand what is happening for each person. This allows us to develop an individualised programme of treatment.
The initial consultation is one hour. You will be sent a questionnaire to complete and bring with you to this appointment on the day we discuss your history, family history, diet and lifestyle, sleep & bowel patterns along with any other relevant history (such as menstrual health for women or urinary and hormonal health for men). An Iridology picture is also taken and discussed on the day. If testing is required we will write a letter to your GP or provide options for further testing.
Naturopaths treat all health conditions from minor sniffles to serious health conditions. In serious health issues, people are generally on medications from their doctor. In this case, we work in with you & your GP to ensure you get the best results common conditions treated are: Fatigue, Insomnia, Anxiety And Mood Issues, Digestive problems, Hormones - Both Male & Female, PMS, Endometriosis, PCOS, Fertility, Immune, Allergy, Headaches, BP Eczema & Skin, Children's Health Weight Management.
A questionnaire will be sent to you to complete and bring with you to the appointment. If you have had recent blood tests, biopsy's, x-ray, ultrasounds or any other tests a copy of your reports would be valuable Naturopaths work with a Wellness Model which is quite different to the general medical "Pathology model" In the pathology model Dr's are looking for disease. What your Dr may see as normal may be abnormal in the Wellness model. We will explain your results in the Wellness model.
If you are in the correct table to claim for Naturopathy, you will be able to get a refund on the consultation. Some health funds also may pay out for herbs if you have a bonus that has not been used. It is best to consult with your health fund to see what you can claim.
As a client to our clinic, we understand the importance of privacy. All personal details and all details of each consultation remains confidential. If you wish to see other practitioners in the clinic we check to see what (if any) information you may want us to share. Your permission is always asked and respected.
Yes, we have recently upgraded the premises to cater for disabling access.
We have a 12 bay car park. 2 car parks at the front for staff members and 10 at the rear of the building for clients.
We use the best of nature and the latest quality testing to address your health concerns and tailor our treatment to your individual needs. Using an integrated approach we can work with your medical practitioner & other allied health professionals to help you achieve your health goals. We actively listen & assess each case to create individualised programmes. Our products are well researched and have a high standard of safety for adults and children.
If you have a question that is not listed here we would love to hear from you. We are happy to answer your questions and make sure you are happy with your choice of Naturopath. You can phone us at 9792 4248 or email us at - [email protected] We look forward to answering your questions and helping you improve your health.