25 Silva Dr Wodonga West 3690

Melrose Primary School opening hours in Wodonga West

Melrose Primary School opening hours in Wodonga West

7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Open Monday to Friday
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Melrose Primary School - Promotion

About Melrose Primary School

  • Emotional intelligence program
  • Straight grade preps & composite classes
  • Care with a quality education
  • Attractive & open physical environment
  • Defence force transitional aide
Ask us about our many programs including: specialist subjects, additional assistance, grade placements, transition and more.
Our parents, staff and students enjoy the many opportunities that come from being a part of our school community. We are very proud of our school culture and we warmly invite you to visit us to see for yourself the range of features that make our school a great school!

Emotional Intelligence

EQ is the ability to combine our thoughts, feelings and actions to make good choices for ourselves and others.

Our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) program is an innovative addition to our core curriculum. It involves a daily one-hour classroom lesson called the EQ Hour from Years P-6. During this hour, children are taught the skills of self awareness, self management, social awareness, and social management.

Defence Force Ready

Melrose Primary School provides a Defence Force Transitional Aide to assist in the smooth transition for parents and their children into a new school and local environment.

As a school we endeavour to create an environment that is safe and comforting to the child, especially for children continually on the move.

Before, After School & Vacation Care

Melrose Primary School Provides a registered child care centre for the needs of Primary School age children. A range of age appropriate programs are offered, interesting play and fun activities for children that encourage them to interact with friends. Some activities available for children to participate in are games, craft, sport, drama, dance, painting, cooking, reading, music and excursions, particularly during vacation care.

Payment Methods


Products and Services

Melrose Primary School - Promotion




Enrolments, School Tours


Boys, Co-educational, ESL, Girls, Hockey, Italian, Literacy, Mathematics, Music, Numeracy, Rugby, Science, Sports


Kitchens, Library, Multi Purpose, Registered, Resource Centre

Catering To



Computers, After School Care, Vacation Care, Before School Care


  • When should I enrol my child in their first year of primary school?

    Your child must be 5 years old by 30 April in the year they start school.

  • How do I enrol my child in their first year of primary school?

    Submit an enrolment application to the school by 26 July 2024.

  • How do I find my local school?

    Use the Find my School website by entering your address and selecting the enrolment year and school type.