54 Albert St Warragul 3820

Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers opening hours in Warragul

Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers opening hours in Warragul

8:45am - 5:15pm
8:45am - 5:15pm
8:45am - 5:15pm
8:45am - 5:15pm
8:45am - 5:15pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Call to book your appointments.
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers - Promotion

About Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers

We offer premium legal services at cost effective rates & deliver through a team of qualified & experienced solicitors.
86 521 953 654

Products and Services

Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday

Additional Locations

Showing 1 locations in 1 states


  • What is the right to remain silent during a police interview?

    The right to remain silent means that you do not have to answer any questions the police ask you (except for providing your name and address). You can simply respond with “no comment.” If you exercise this right, it cannot be used against you in court.

  • What can I do in a police interview?

    You have the legal right to give a “no comment” record of interview. While you must provide your name and address to Victoria Police, you cannot be penalized for answering “no comment” to other questions asked during the interview.

  • How can Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers assist me?

    Wakefield Vogrig & Boote Lawyers pride themselves on being one of the largest law firms in Gippsland. They offer expert legal services in areas such as conveyancing, family law, wills, deceased estates, criminal law, and business law. Contact them to discover how their team can help you.