Professional Boring & Drilling Contractors In VIC
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We pride ourselves on being the first boring contractors to introduce horizontal directional drilling machines to Australia. We serve industrial, commercial and domestic customers offering them various boring and piping services. We specialise in working underground and offering installation services without disturbing the earth or waterways. Proven to be faster, more cost-effective and definitely less disruptive to surface activities, directional drilling is the process of installing underground services without trenching.
Directional drilling is an efficient and professional method widely used in many developed and developing countries. With directional drilling, you need not worry about noise pollution, traffic disruption, aesthetic factors and negative public perception. At Wangaratta Horizontal Boring Pty Ltd, we pride ourselves on customer service and delivering a fast, safe, dependable and cost-effective service for any business or individual need. Our team of contractors, guided by Wayne, are experts at boring & drilling who are geared and ready to provide quality service.
Successfully operating for over 36 years, Wangaratta Horizontal Boring Pty Ltd was first established by Wayne Suter, who has over 39 years of experience in the horizontal boring/directional drilling field. Being the first company to import and use a steerable directional borer, Wangaratta Horizontal Boring Pty Ltd pioneered the use of directional drilling borers in Australia. We are well-known throughout the boring industry and among major contractors as being reliable, highly skilled, professional operators and as the leading innovators of HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) technology.
Open 365 Days
Pipe Laying, Tunnelling, Underground Work
Commercial, Concrete, Directional, Gas, Gravel, Horizontal, Iron, Limestone, Residential, Rocks, Sand, Trenchless
Accredited, Australian Operated, Australian Owned, Contract Rates, Family Operated, Family Owned, Free Consultations, Free Quotes, Guaranteed, Licensed, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Mobile Service, OH&S, Owner Operated, Quotes, Registered, Warranties
Construction, Driveways, Engineering, Foundations, Freeways, Lakes, Mining, Ponds, Railway Lines, Roads, Sewerage, Telecommunications, Water, Waterways
Building, Water, Railway, Horizontal, Roads, Melbourne, Channel Ways, Free Quotes, Drilling, Directional Boring, Horizontal Boring, Directional Boring NSW, Bendigo, Shepparton, Telecommunications, Rivers, Boring, Albury, Directional, Vic, Vaccuum Truck, NSW, Sewer, Gas, Wodonga, ballarat, Power
You may call us on (03) 5721 7974.
We are located at Wangaratta VIC 3677.