About Us
Products and Services
The firm enjoys a broad clientele from local and state government, corporate and private enterprise. While every project is unique, all projects are appropriately and sustainably designed and benefit from the effective management and suitably procured works.
We firmly believe that the build environment should be beautiful, comfortable and energy efficient. One of the trademarks of our work is the ability to incorporate sensible, practical and cost effective ways of designing energy efficient and low maintenance buildings. All our work is designed to be passive solar with consideration given to the orientation, thermal mass and insulation issues, glazing types and sunlight control, efficient cross ventilation, heating and cooling systems.
Additions, Commercial, Community, Educational, Government, Health, Heritage, Interior, Residential
Care Facilities, Houses
Advice, Alterations, Consulting, Designs, Documentation, Planning, Project Management
Delivery, Quotes, Registered
Rye Residential, Portsea Architects, Dromana Designers, Rosebud Architects, Portsea Commercial, Dromana Architects, Rye Designers, Rye Commercial, Dromana Drafting, Rosebud Designers, Rosebud Drafting, Portsea Residential, Serrento Drafting, Rye Architects, Serrento Residential, Dromana Commercial, Serrento Designers, Portsea Drafting, Rosebud Residential, Dromana Residential, Serrento Commercial, Serrento Architects, Rye Drafting, Portsea Designers, Rosebud Commercial
Architects are trained to ascertain your goals and precise needs for any project and to design creative and practical solutions to address your particular needs. An architect will work with you and apply specialist knowledge of design and construction to you project so as to produce results that will be well designed, practical and good value.
By employing an architect, you are hiring a design and construction expert to act on your behalf and in your interest. Registered architects are bound by legislated codes of ethics to provide unbiased, objective advice that is in their clients best interest. They are not permitted to benefit personally or professionally from any advice or opinion offered, they must be made without any self interest.
Studies have shown that the architectural fees represent less than 1% of the total cost of the design, construction and operation of a building throughout its useful life. An architect will explore various design approaches, maintenance quality and longevity issues and provide guidance as to an appropriate cost basis. Good, well considered design also produces attractive buildings that function well with measurable efficiencies in its operation and maintenance.
Architects are trained to be a primary consultant. That means that they take the instructions from the owner/client and arrange for the whole project from inception to completion on your behalf. There is a huge array of approvals and processes to be gained such as town planning permission, building permits & local council requirements. Also, most projects require the specialist services of other consultants such as geotechnical engineers, land surveyors, structural engineers, etc.
Absolutely! An architect will be able to identify available and appropriately qualified builders in your area. An architect is also trained to competitively tender your project.
The complete documentation an architect produces is very thorough. It defines the scope and the quality of the work so that the client knows exactly what has been allowed for and the builder knows exactly what to produce. This documentation eliminates most areas of possible misunderstanding and confusion, which in turn helps to avoid costly and time consuming mistakes and possible disputes, especially during the construction process.