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Adams Drillers opening hours in DOCKERS PLAINS

Boring & Drilling Contractors near me

Adams Drillers opening hours in DOCKERS PLAINS

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

Adams Drillers - Promotion

About Adams Drillers

  • A family run business
  • We have completed hundreds of projects
  • Reputation for quality and honesty
  • Fully experienced staff
  • Efficient and cost-effective services
Adams Drillers has experience in the cement grouting of formations in civil and mining projects.
Adams Drillers is a family business which is operated in the Wangaratta region of North East Victoria/Southern New South Wales since 1960. Adams Drillers was founded by Kenneth Harrison Adams whose experience in the drilling industry dates from the early 1950's. Adams Drillers also trades as Adams Drillers and is your boring & drilling services specialists.

About Us:

We are fully equipped to conduct various types of mineral exploration drilling, ranging from diamond drilling core samples, reverse circulation exploration, grade control, rotary air bit and mud rotary sampling. Adams Drillers has worked with several large mining and consulting companies to provide an efficient and safe sampling program.

Bore Rehabilitation:

Bores can become damaged and inefficient over time from biofouling iron bacteria, rusting of casings and screens, physical blockers of pumps and boreholes. We can fix these problems by jetting screens and casing with air compressors and high-pressure water to redevelop the permeability of sands around the screens.


Adams Drillers offers the following services:

  • Large diameter water wells for town supply
  • Site investigation works for environmental and mining applications
  • Construction work for ground stabilisation
  • Dewatering

Successful bores will be lined with appropriate casing to prevent the collapse of surrounding strata and also to provide a safe housing for the pump installed in the hole. Depending on your type of licence, we will limit your maximum casing diameter.

67 082 966 390

Products and Services

Adams Drillers - Promotion


Artesian Wells, Coring, Explorations, Samples, Wells




Coal, Commercial, Diamond, Gas, Geotechnical, Government, Gravel, Groundwater, Hydraulic, Iron, Mud Rotary, Oil, Rocks, Rotary, Sand, Submersible


Inspections, OH&S


Contamination, Environmental

Catering To

Construction, Foundations, Gardens, Mining, Petroleum, Water


Water Bore Drilling Wodonga, Water Bore Drilling VIC, Water Drilling VIC, Installation, Water Bore Drilling Wangaratta, Boring & Drilling Contractors Wangaratta VIC, Push-tube Investigation, Water Bore Drilling, Push-tube Investigation VIC, Water Drilling Wangaratta VIC, Water Bores In VIC, Water Bore Drilling Wangaratta VIC, Water Bore Drilling Bendigo, Water Drilling Wangaratta, Boring & Drilling Contractors VIC, Water Bore Drilling Albury, Water Bores Wangaratta, Water Bores, Boring & Drilling Contractors, Water Drilling, Installation VIC, Water Bores VIC

Additional Locations

Showing 50 locations in 2 states


  • Who established this business?

    The business was established by Kenneth Harrison Adams.

  • When was your business established?

    Our business was established in 1960.

  • Are you a member of Australian Drilling Industry Association?

    Yes, we are a member of Australian Drilling Industry Association.

  • Do you offer dewatering service?

    Yes, we do offer dewatering services.

  • Are you experienced?

    Yes, we are fully experienced.