none Cobram 3644

Leigh's Painting

Painters & Decorators

High Quality Workmanship At Affordable Prices

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Cobram VIC 3644


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Leigh's Painting opening hours in Cobram

Leigh's Painting opening hours in Cobram

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About Us

Leigh's Painting - Promotion

About Leigh's Painting

Leigh's Painting delivers high quality work at affordable prices. No job is too big or small.
Leigh's Painting offers affordable prices for all painting work required. Working with clients to achieve high quality outcomes tailored to each individual job. Drawing from over 10 years working in the industry and working with some of the top building companies from across Victoria.

Leigh's Painting offers assistance for all painting jobs, no matter how small or big. We specialise in home and commercial paint jobs both; as repaints and new paints. Leigh's Painting is also highly skilled in external paint jobs and offers free quotes for any job. 

Payment Methods

CashChequesDirect DebitEFTMoney Order
11 923 009 249

Products and Services

Leigh's Painting - Promotion

Hours of Operation

24hr Emergency Service, Flexible Hours, Open 24hrs, Open 365 Days, Open Evenings, Open Late, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays, Open Sundays


Colonial, Edwardian, Federation, Heritage, Modern, Victorian


Airless Spraying, Anti-Graffiti, Brush Application, Clean-up, Colour Consultations, Faux Finishes, French Washing, Glazing, Heritage Colour, Heritage Work, High Level Access, Lacquering, Line Marking, Maintenance, Mirror Finishes, Period Restorations, Protective Coatings, Re-painting, Repairs, Restorations, Roller Application, Special Coatings, Special Effects, Sponging, Spray Painting, Staining, Stencilling, Stripping, Stucco, Surface Preparations, Texturing, Varnishing, Waterproofing


Berger, Bristol, Cabot's, Colorbond, Crommelin, Dulux, Feast Watson, Graco, Hadrian, Haymes, Parbury, Pascol, Phillro, Porter's, Resene, Rokset, Rota Cota, Selleys, Sikkens, Solver, Taubmans, Wattyl


Aerial Lift Trucks, Antiques, Architraves, Benchtops, Body Corporates, Borders, Cabinets, Ceilings, Commercial, Construction, Doors, Environmentally Friendly Paints, Extensions, Fascias, Feature Walls, Fencing, Floor Coverings, Floors, Garages, Industrial, Institutional, Laminates, Murals, Non-toxic Paints, Pools, Renovations, Residential, Roller Doors, Roller Shutters, Roofs, Scissor Lifts, Skirting Boards, Soffits, Tiles, Timber, Two Pack, Wallpapering, Walls, Weatherboards, Window Frames


Accredited, After Hours Service, ARC, ASN, Australian Made, Australian Owned, Bonded, BSA, Certified, Concession Discounts, Consultations, Dulux Accredited, Emergency Services, Factory Authorised, Family Operated, Family Owned, First Aid Trained, Fixed Pricing, Free Consultations, Free Quotes, Guaranteed, Hourly Rates, Insurance Claims, Insured, ISO, Leasing, Licensed, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Maintenance Contracts, Mobile Service, Office Visits, OH&S, Owner Operated, Pick-up, Quotes, Red Card, Registered, Rentals, RPE, Same Day Service, Standards Australia, Warranties, Workcover Approved


Cracks, Fire Damage, Gaps, Graffiti, Lead Paint, Moss, Plaster Damage, Rot Damage, Smoke Damage, Timber Damage, Water Damage

Catering To

Bathrooms, Buildings, Churches, Decks, Driveways, Exterior, Factories, Farms, Flats, High Rises, Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Interior, Kitchens, Motels, New Construction, Offices, Restaurants, Retirement Villages, Schools, Shopping Centres, Shops, Showrooms, Townhouses, Units, Warehouses


Floor Painting Aged Care Centres, Prep Painter, Insurance Work, Free Quote, Concrete Repaint, Roof Painting, Restoration, Decorating, Interior & Exterior Surfaces, Fence Painting


  • Do you supply the paint?

    Yes, we supply paint. However, if you wish to provide your own, we are willing to.

  • When can we get you in to do our painting project?

    We like to get things booked in within 2-weeks of quoting.

  • How long does it take to complete a painting job?

    It depends on the time of the year and the size of the painting job, but we always strive towards a 2-week turnaround.