132 Wattle St Bendigo 3550

Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic


Bendigo's Most Experienced Sports And Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists

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132 Wattle St, Bendigo VIC 3550


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Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic opening hours in Bendigo

Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic opening hours in Bendigo

9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
9:00am - 5:30pm
Sat Closed
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic - Promotion

About Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic

  • Established for over 35 years
  • All musculoskeletal and Sports injuries
  • Four Full-time Highly experienced Physiotherapists
  • Private, WC, DVA, TAC, Pre-employments,
  • Appointments usually available with 24 hrs
We have been established for over 30 years, the longest established physiotherapy clinic in the Bendigo region.
Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic have Bendigo's most experienced physiotherapists who are committed to helping you cope with the physical demands that you place on your body every day whether due to the stresses or injuries associated with work, sport or active hobbies such as gardening. We are passionate about providing the best possible care to assist you maintain an active lifestyle.


Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic has been established for over 40 years, the longest-established physio clinic in the Bendigo region. Our physios have over 50 years of experience between them but still, continue to update their knowledge by regularly attending continuing education classes so they will have the most up-to-date knowledge to assist you to make a rapid recovery.

We have five physios on site which means that we can always provide rapid access to appointments.


The physiotherapists at Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic are committed to helping you cope with the physical demands that you place on your bodies every day, whether these are due to the physical stresses caused by a busy working life, the injuries associated with pursuing active sport or the effects of gardening or other hobbies.

We are passionate about providing you with the best possible care, in order that you can maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Our Team

Our physiotherapy specialists are well trained and highly qualified. Our team, combined with our high-tech equipment, means that we have the expertise and the facilities you need to get on the road to recovery.

Our approach to your health is not only focused on the treatment of existing conditions and injuries, but the prevention of those in the future.

Payment Methods

65 006 655 438

Products and Services

Golden City Physio & Sports Injury Clinic - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Sporting Events


Core Stability, Dry Needling, Exercise Rehabilitation, Exercise Therapy, Gait Analysis, Manipulative Therapy, McKenzie Method, Mobilisation, Orthopaedics, Referrals, Return to Work Programs, Soft Tissue Massage, Spinal Manipulation, Spinal Mobilisation, Splints, Trigger Point Therapy, Workplace Assessments


Alternative Fitness Programs, Core Strengthening, Ergonomics, Exercise Programs, Lower Limb Therapy, Manual Therapy, Medibank, Medicare, Occupational Health, Orthotics, Post-op Care, Preventative Care, Private, Prope Receptive Retraining, Sports Physiotherapy, Stretching Techniques, TAC, Upper Limb Therapy, Work-related Injuries, WorkCover


24hr Turnaround, By Appointment, Certified, Disabled Access, DVA, Evaluations, Gift Vouchers, Health Fund Rebates, Independently Owned, No Referral Necessary, Office Visits, OH&S, On-Site Services, Pensioner Discount, Same Day Service, Senior Discounts, Workcover Approved


Acute Pain, Ankles, Arthritis, Back, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Elbow Pain, Elbows, Feet, Fibromyalgia, Hands, Headaches, Hips, Injuries, Jaw, Joint Replacement, Joints, Knees, Limbs, Migraines, Motor Accident Injuries, Muscular Pains, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Neck, Neck Pain, Osteo Arthritis, Overuse Injuries, Pelvis, Performance Loss, Post-operative Care, Posture, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Shin Splints, Shoulder Bursitis, Shoulders, Soft Tissue Injury, Spine, Sports Injuries, Sprains, Strains, Strength, TMJ Dysfunction, Vertigo, Whiplash, Wrists

Catering To

Adults, Children, Teenagers


Knee, Physio Bendigo, Ankle, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Back And Neck Pain, Physiotherapist Bendigo, Physios, Sports Physiotherapy, Manipulation, Dry Needling, Manipulative Therapist, Massage


  • Where are you located?

    We are located at 132 Wattle St, Bendigo VIC 3550.

  • How many years of experience do you have?

    Our physios have over 80 years of experience but we still continue to update our knowledge by regularly attending continuing education classes.

  • When should we contact you?

    We have four physios on site which means that we can always provide rapid access to appointments, almost always within 24 hours of contacting us.

  • Do you provide exercise rehabilitation programmes?

    We are experts in providing programmes to assist in the rehabilitation and prevention of injury. We draw upon our knowledge of general exercise, core stability, strength and conditioning and Pilates to design programmes which are safe and effective.