45B Gilbert St Latrobe 7307

Latrobe Family Medical Practice opening hours in Latrobe

Latrobe Family Medical Practice opening hours in Latrobe

8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Open Monday to Friday
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Latrobe Family Medical Practice - Promotion

About Latrobe Family Medical Practice

Our practice is fully accredited with AGPAL and is committed to providing a full range of quality health care to the community.
Phone line - Open from 8.00am Monday to Friday. Saturdays - 9.00am to 12.00pm (when practice is on call, approx 1 in 2 weekends) For medical advice outside opening hours.

Our mission is to provide the highest standard of patient care whilst incorporating a holistic approach toward diagnosis and management of illness. We are committed to promoting health, wellbeing and disease prevention for all patients. We do not discriminate in the provision of excellent care and aim to treat all patients with dignity and respect.

Payment Methods

American ExpressCashEFTPOSMastercardVisa
17 898 184 370

Products and Services

Latrobe Family Medical Practice - Promotion

Hours of Operation

24hr Emergency Service, Flexible Hours, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays


Allergy Testing, Asthma Treatment, Birth Control, Blood Tests, Cardiac Testing, Community Medicine, Diabetic Care, Diagnostic Services, Diving Medicals, Emergency Medicine, Eye Tests, Family Care, Family Planning, General Medicine, Genetic Diagnosis, Geriatric Medicine, Glucose Tolerance Test, Health Promotion, Hearing Tests, Home Visits, Immunisations, Immunology, Injury Management, Internal Medicine, Long Term Care, Mammograms, Maternal Health, Maternity Care, Medical Assessments, Mens Health, Non-Invasive Treatment, Occupational Medicine, Pain Management, Pap Smears, Perspiration Treatments, Post Surgical, Pre-Employment Medicals, Precancer Management, Prescriptions, Preventive Medicine, Primary Care, Regular Skin Reviews, Rheumatology, Sexual Health, Sports Medicine, Travel Medicine, Ultrasounds, Vaccinations, Vein Treatment, Vision Correction, Womens Health, Workplace Assessments


Commercial, Industrial, Veterans Affairs


24hr Turnaround, After Hours Service, By Appointment, Car Parking, Consultations, Disabled Access, Emergency Services, Evaluations, Examinations, Mobile Service, No Referral Necessary, On-Site Services, Pensioner Discount, Pharmacy, Same Day Service, Senior Discounts, Walk-ins, Wheelchair Access


Abdomen, Acne, Age Spots, Allergies, Altitude Sickness, Ankles, Arms, Arthritis, Asthma, Back, Birthmarks, Bites, Bladder, Blood, Blood Pressure, Bones, Brain, Breasts, Broken Capillaries, Burns, Cardiorespiratory, Cardiovascular System, Carpal Tunnel, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cellulite, Cheeks, Chest, Chest Disorders, Chin, Cholesterol, Chronic Illnesses, Constipation, Dementia, Diabetes, Digestive Disorders, Digestive System, Ears, Eczema, Elbows, Ergonomics, Eye Disorders, Eyelid Disorders, Eyes, Face, Feet, Female Genitalia, Fertility, Fevers, Fractures, Freckles, Fungal Infections, Hair, Hair Loss, Hand Conditions, Hands, Head, Head Trauma, Heart, Hemorrhoids, Hernias, Hips, Hormones, Immune System, Impotence, Incontinence, Injuries, Intercourse Discomfort, Itch, Joints, Kidneys, Knees, Larynx, Legs, Libido, Lips, Lungs, Male Genetalia, Menopause, Menstrual Disorders, Moles, Mouth, Muscles, Musculoskeletal, Nails, Neck, Nervous System, Nose, Overuse Injuries, Pain, Pelvis, PMS, Pregnancy, Prostate, Reflux, Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Shoulders, Skin, Skin Damage, Sleep Disorders, Smoking, Snoring, Spider Veins, Spine, Stomach, Sweating, Tendons, Thighs, Throat, Thyroid, Ulcers, Ureter, Varicose Veins, Voice, Warts, Weight, Wrinkles, Wrists

Catering To

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders, Adults, Babies, Children, Men, Regional Clinics, Seniors, Teenagers, Veterans, Women


24 hours emergency service, Chronic care, Bulk billing Latrobe, Family/children medical practice, Latrobe, Blood testing, Medical practitioners latrobe, Doctors surgery latrobe, Doctor, Skin clinic


  • How do I get my test results?

    Please ensure you phone reception (after 11.00am) for all results. Do not expect reception staff to interpret your results; they are only able to read the comment that the doctor has recorded. For your privacy/confidentiality we will not discuss results at the front counter, we require you to phone us to obtain these results.

  • Do you do home visits?

    Home visits are provided to regular patients of our practice who are unable to attend the practice due to the nature and severity of their illness or mobility problems. Visits will be made to patients in the Latrobe area, depending on the circumstances. Visits may also be made to Port Sorell, Turners Beach and Railton. Please contact us as soon as you feel a home visit is required. The cost of a home visit can be found in our "Schedule of Fees" on our website.

  • What information do you need when I book an appointment?

    Our practice has a flexible system which sets aside appointments which are reserved for patients who are unwell and who need urgent care.