49 Greenhill Rd Wayville 5034

Turner Real Estate opening hours in Wayville

Turner Real Estate opening hours in Wayville

8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat By Appointment
Sun By Appointment
Public Holidays By Appointment
Open Monday to Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Turner Real Estate - Promotion

About Turner Real Estate

  • Convenient location & affordability
  • Highly experienced team
  • Team of professionals
  • Excellent property management
Turner Real Estate are professional, experienced and ethical.
At Turner Real Estate we're aware that someone who is buying a home may one day become someone selling that home. Our mission is to make the buying process as easy and stress-free as possible, by being straightforward and professional.Buying is a big commitment so you need to be objective. We'll never pressure you and we always give you honest information about the house and its surroundings.


At Turner Real Estate, we understand that selling a house is something that most people do only rarely. So it has to be done right. We will give you an honest and informed view of the market, especially as it applies to your location. We'll also give you an informed appraisal of your home and provide sound advice on how to present your home so that it generates the very best "sales appeal." We talk to you about the most effective way of marketing the home and how best to price it.


We are one of the biggest rental property managers in Adelaide, with twelve experienced property managers on staff. All of them understand through their training and experience that any rental arrangement must be fair, honourable and most of all, unobtrusive, for it to be successful over the long term.

Always, our aim is to ensure that the interests of both parties - tenant and owner - are acted upon in a timely and equitable way.

Commercial Leasing

Our commercial specialist can offer expertise in leasing and commercial sales.

With many years of experience and knowledge, you can trust Turner Real Estate to offer service and results.

Payment Methods

BPAYCashChequesDirect DebitDirect DepositEFTMoney Order
Also trades as
Robin Turner and Associates

Products and Services

Turner Real Estate - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Appraisals, Auctions, Buying, Consulting, Market Appraisals, Rentals, Valuations

Property Types

Acreage, Apartments, Flats, Holiday Properties, Homes, Investment Properties, Investments, Land, Luxury, New Developments, Offices, Shops, Subdivisions, Townhouses, Units, Villas, Warehouses, Waterfront


Commercial, Industrial, Residential


Accredited, After Hours Service, Australian Owned, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Delivery, Evaluations, Family Operated, Family Owned, FAPI, Free Consultations, Free Market Evaluations, Free Quotes, Free Service, Home Visits, Independently Operated, Independently Owned, Inspections, Leasing, Licensed Real Estate Agent, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Market Evaluations, Mobile Service, Office Visits, On-Site Services, Owner Operated, Quotes, Registered, Senior Discounts

Catering To



Home Inspections, Home Selling, Retail Property, Lease, Property Sales, Property Condition Reports, Commercial Real Estate, Home Buying, Real Estate Advice, Home Appraisal, Land Sales, Industrial Complex, Industrial Property, Property Management, Property Appraisal, Property Inspections, Rental Property


  • How can I get an appraisal?

    You can get an appraisal by filling out the form on our website. An easy way is to follow this link: http://www.turnerrealestate.com.au/selling/register.aspx

  • Can you give me advice?

    Yes, our website offers you downloadable forms to assist you with your real estate buying and selling. http://www.turnerrealestate.com.au/selling/forms.aspx