About Us
Products and Services
Additional Locations
We supply directly to the public from our butcher shop at Port Augusta, as well as to local hotels and restaurants. We know you are always looking at what you put on the plate for your family, and having fresh products that won’t break the bank is an important aspect of feeding your family.
Hotels, Restaurants, Supermarkets
Free Delivery
Saveloys, Yiros, Custom Cuts, Recipes, Mettwurst, Chicken, Fritz, Handmade Sausages
The best way to purchase our meat is to come into our store at Port Augusta. You can also call, fax or email us with your order and we will have it ready for you as you need it. We also do "bush orders" to Roxby Downs and surrounding areas. Orders to Roxby Downs need to be placed by Wednesday morning and are delivered by refrigerated truck to your door on Friday mornings to their door between 10am and 12pm (for a small fee).
Our beef is firm and slightly moist with fresh red colour and most importantly, it's well marbled with fat. The quality lamb you'll find is pinkish red and firm with little marbling and little fat. We're the sole supplier of Premium Award Winning Local Spear Creek Saltbush Dorper Lamb. Our cuts of pork have more lean meat than fat and bone. A good cut of pork will be greyish pink and the flesh feels relatively firm.
Meat should be immediately refrigerated or frozen after it's purchased. If you plan to divide it up and freeze portions, try to do so as soon as you can. If you store meat in freezer bags, try to remove as much air from the bag as possible. But of course, we think it's better for you to come into our butcher shop at Port Augusta to buy your meat fresh the day you plan to cook it.