176 Prospect Rd Prospect 5082

Sawley Lock O'Callaghan

Land Surveyors

Highly Experienced & Professional - Offices In Adelaide & Mid North

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176 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082


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Sawley Lock O'Callaghan opening hours in Prospect

Land Surveyors near me

Sawley Lock O'Callaghan opening hours in Prospect

8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Open Monday to Friday
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

Sawley Lock O'Callaghan - Promotion

About Sawley Lock O'Callaghan

  • Professional, fast & efficient services
  • Property & land division surveys applications
  • Engineering, construction & lease surveys
  • Established in 1962, over 50 years' experience
  • Free competitive quotes
We provide the highest calibre of professional service from a broad base of skills and expertise in land surveying.
Sawley Lock O'Callaghan is a South Australian based company dedicated to providing the best land surveying services and spatial information. We capitalise on new opportunities and markets that promote the growth of the firm as a leading force in the delivery of spatial information consulting services.


We offer specialist professional services in the fields of:

Our technically qualified personnel are capable of providing project expertise across a wide range of spatial disciplines. The management team is committed to ensuring that the firm remains at the leading edge of technological advancements in the spatial information industries.

About Us:

Our land surveying services include:

  • Land Division And Property Surveys
  • Engineering Surveys For Construction
  • Site Surveys
  • Control Surveys
  • Title Searching And Land Information Enquiries
  • Volumetric/Hydro Graphic And Mining Applications

Sawley Lock O'Callaghan lies under the directorship and management of Damian Brogden and Max Sayer.

80 Years' Experience In Surveying And Engineering:

Approximately 80 years of experience in surveying and engineering is shared by the directors, who have expertise across a broad range of skills in consulting services to the public. Each director is a licensed surveyor and continues to practice in the fields of cadastral and engineering surveying, as well as our growing civil engineering services.

The firm operates with fully staffed offices in Adelaide and we consult on a regular basis in the Mid North, with a visiting office located in Laura.

Payment Methods

CashChequesDirect DebitEFT
24 099 533 516
099 533 516

Products and Services

Sawley Lock O'Callaghan - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Boundary Identification, Cadastral Mapping, Construction Set Out, Construction Surveys, Contour Plans, Detail Surveys, Development Applications, Environmental Surveys, Estimation of Volumes, Feature Surveys, Fencing Set Out, GIS, GPS Surveys, Infrastructure Surveys, Laser Scanning, Lay-outs, Lease Surveys, Lettable Area Surveys, Level Surveys, Marking, Measuring, Project Management, Remarking, Rescode Surveys, Service Location, Setting Out Works, Site Analysis Surveys, Strata Surveys, Subdivision Planning


Building Extensions, Commercial, Drainage, Earthworks, Easements, Engineering Surveys, Flood Level, Geographic Information, Geospatial, Identification, Industrial, Precise Levelling, Re-Establishment Surveys, Residential, Rural, Sewers, Strata Titles, Subdivisions, Title, Topography


24hr Turnaround, By Appointment, Consultations, Delivery, Free Quotes, ISO, Licensed, Owner Operated, Registered

Catering To

Civil Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Horticulture, Mining, Real Estate, Regional Planning, Town Planning


Easement, Sawley Lock O'Callaghan, Surveyors Adelaide, Boundary, Mining, Rural Land, Civil Surveys, Mid North, Development, Spatial Information, surveyors south australia, Civil Survey, Surveyors laura, Civil Engineering, House, Volumetric / Hydrographic & Mining, Sub Division, Land Prospect, Fences, Surveyors Adelaide Hills, Control Surveys, Surveyors Borossa, consulting Surveyors, Engineering Surveys, Surveyors gawler, Detail, Allotment Surveys, Strata Titles, House Surveys, Land Surveying, Surveyors Yorke peninsula, Lease Survey, Community Title, Block Surveys, Easement Survey, Surveyors Land, Structural Set Out, Property, Levels Survey, Topographic, Contour Survey, Surveying, Identification Survey, Land Division And Property Surveys, Riverland, Detail Survey, Project Management, Land Surveyors, Prospect, Civil Surveyor

Additional Locations

Showing 1 locations in 1 states


  • Where are you located?

    We are located at 176 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082.

  • Do you offer free quotes?

    Yes, we offer free quotes.

  • Are you registered?

    Yes, we are registered. Our ABN is 24 099 533 516.

  • Which areas you service?

    We service Adelaide and the surrounding suburbs and most of regional SA including the Mid North, Clare Valley, Yorke Peninsula, Eyre Peninsula, Barossa, Riverland, Adelaide Hills and the Fleurieu Peninsula.

  • I am buying a property and I am concerned about any problem with the title boundaries. What should I do?

    We would recommend that the cost of a survey represents a very small percentage of the investment you are about to make. It would be wise to have a survey done before you sign any contract to determine if, in fact, any problems do exist. You could also sign a contract subject to satisfactory outcome of a boundary survey. We have found many instances where properties have been bought without survey and encroachments later discovered that subsequently involves expensive remedies.

  • If I am building on a boundary do I need to get a survey done?

    Most councils will require you to have a survey done in these circumstances as a condition of building approval. However, it is recommended that this is done in all instances to avoid the possibility of building onto your neighbour's land and cause the building to encroach over the boundary. The remedies to encroachments can be expensive and complicated. They can also cause much ill-feeling between neighbours.

  • My neighbour wants to put up a new fence and says that the current fence is in the wrong place. What should I do?

    The Fences Act sets out the legal protocol that neighbours should adopt in the cases of erecting new fences. It does not set out the protocol for having a boundary survey done. However, these costs can be mutually agreed to between neighbours' along with the fence costs. A survey would avoid future boundary disputes and give you "peace of mind". It is also wise to note that the local council will not enter into neighbours' boundary disputes.