62-68 High St Texas 4385

FoodWorks Texas

Supermarkets & Grocery Stores

Supermarkets & Grocery Stores In Texas

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62-68 High St, Texas QLD 4385


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FoodWorks Texas opening hours in Texas

FoodWorks Texas opening hours in Texas

8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 6:30pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Open 7 days a week
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

FoodWorks Texas - Promotion

About FoodWorks Texas

From inner city to country town, our FoodWorks Texas stores offer unique experiences catered specifically to your community.
Australian United Retailers Limited (AURL) is an independent retail supermarket group trading under the “FoodWorks” brand. FoodWorks came about following the merger of the FoodWorks Supermarket Group Ltd (FSG) and Australian United Retailers (AUR) in November 2004 in response to rapid industry consolidation and increased competition.

The company now has over 400 supermarkets, food and convenience stores spanning seven states and territories nationally with over 370 of these operating under the FoodWorks brand. Our stores are clearly visible by the fresh orange and green logo design and signage. The past two years has seen the brand go from strength to strength, becoming Australia’s largest truly independent supermarket group supporting $2 billion in annual sales. Every store is different and each has a strong sense of independence, which gives them full flexibility to tailor their store to their local community’s needs.

Also listed under
Hardware Store

Products and Services

FoodWorks Texas - Promotion


Bread, Eggs, Fruit, Groceries, Honey, Vegetables

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays, Open Sundays


lunch, dessert, vegetarian, breakfast, dinner

Additional Locations

Showing 1 locations in 1 states


  • What services does FoodWorks Supermarkets offer?

    FoodWorks Supermarkets source the best, freshest produce so you can feed your family the finest foods at a local level. They offer everything from groceries to fresh produce, bakery items, and more

  • Where can I find FoodWorks stores in Australia?

    FoodWorks has over 320 stores across VIC, NSW, SA, WA, TAS, and QLD. You’ll find them in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, and more

  • Is there an online option for shopping at FoodWorks?

    Yes! You can shop online through the FoodWorks app, available for iOS and Android. It makes grocery shopping a breeze