Suite 3 55 Mary St Noosaville 4566

Noosa Osteopathy opening hours in Noosaville

Noosa Osteopathy opening hours in Noosaville

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Noosa Osteopathy - Promotion

About Noosa Osteopathy

  • We specialise in the treatment of back pain
  • We will provide education and advice
  • We treat the whole body
  • Asthma and breathing problems
  • Joint pain and arthritis
STRUCTURAL & CRANIAL OSTEOPATHY, Health Fund Rebates & Workcover Welcome.
Osteopathy is a form of health care that involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the entire body. The main aim is to restore the normal structure and function of the body. Osteopaths use 'hands-on' techniques that are pain relieving, gentle and safe to balance all the systems of the body to provide good health and wellbeing.

Treatment involves focusing on all the main systems of the body, these include:

  • Musculoskeletal System including muscles and joints and bone bio mechanics Nervous system
  • Circulatory and Lymphatic systems
  • Digestive system
  • Hormonal and Endocrine system

We can assist with: *Back, shoulder and neck pain, *Headaches and migraines, *Joint pain and arthritis, *Muscular, joint, tendon injuries, *Sports injuries, *Knee and hip pain, *Indigestion, diarrhea and constipation, *Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), *Heartburn and reflux, *Asthma and breathing problems, *Newborn health issues, *Work-related injuries, *Female reproductive/pregnancy issues.

During your first consultation we will ask about your symptoms and medical history. We'll then conduct a full osteopathic examination, which may involve diagnostic, orthopaedic or neurological tests - as well as postural assessments. As part of the examination we might ask you to do some movements - like lifting an arm or bending over.

Payment Methods

CashChequesDirect DebitEFTPOSMastercardVisa
22 720 966 899

Products and Services

Noosa Osteopathy - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays


Seminars, Sporting Events


Alternative Health Therapy, Assessments, Bowen Therapy, Clinical Pilates, Exercise Programs, HICAPS, Hyperbaric Methods, Massage, Neurolink System & Treatment, Neurological Integration System, PAM


Alternative Therapy, Corporates, Ergonomics, Pain Management, Pre/Post-Natal, Private Health Funds, Rehabilitation


Accredited, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Insurance Claims, No Referral Necessary, Registered, Workcover Approved


Ankles, Arthritis, Asthma, Back, Chronic Conditions, Colic, Cranium, Headaches, Injuries, Joints, Knees, Migraines, Muscles, Neck, Overuse Injuries, Pain, Posture, Sciatica, Shoulders, Spine, Sprains, Strains, Stress

Catering To

Adults, Babies, Children, Chiropractors, Seniors


  • What can I expect from an osteopathic treatment?

    You can expect hands-on techniques like soft-tissue massage, joint mobilisation, and myofascial stretching to normalize body function.

  • How can osteopathy help me?

    Osteopathy can help with pain relief, improved mobility, postural improvement, injury rehabilitation, and overall well-being enhancement.