Unit 3/ 6 Dorsey St Milton 4064

Milton Physiotherapy opening hours in Milton

Milton Physiotherapy opening hours in Milton

7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
7:30am - 6:30pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Milton Physiotherapy - Promotion

About Milton Physiotherapy

  • Qualified professionals
  • Excellence and understanding
  • Personal treatment plan
  • Hands on therapy
  • Specific exercise prescription
Specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapy. Providing high quality individual management of all musculoskeletal pain and injury.
At Milton Physiotherapy we are focused on you as an individual. We take the time to understand you, your pain levels, limitations and frustrations. From our thorough understanding of your condition you are also ensured of excellence in assessment, diagnosis, treatment directed to your specific movement dysfunction and a specific exercise prescription.

Your musculoskeletal physiotherapist has advanced postgraduate training in the assessment and diagnosis of musculoskeletal conditions. They have a higher level of knowledge & skill and are constantly applying research and best practice techniques to improve our treatment methods.


At Milton Physiotherapy we treat your condition by using hands on therapy and mobilisation techniques to create pain free movement. By conducting a detailed physical examination we take into consideration how you move, joint movement & mechanics, muscle function, nerve function, position sense and postural awareness.

Excellence and understanding: We do our best to ensure you have continuity of care from the same professional each time you visit us. We develop a thorough understanding of your specific requirements and tailor a personal treatment plan that is monitored to ensure positive outcomes.

Payment Methods

69 083 531 757

Products and Services

Milton Physiotherapy - Promotion


Clinical Pilates, Core Stability, Exercise Rehabilitation, Manipulative Therapy, Mobilisation, Mulligan's Technique, Orthopaedics, Pain Management, Rehabilitation, Remedial Massage, Soft Tissue Massage, Ultrasounds


Ergonomics, Manual Therapy, Pilates, Private, Sports Physiotherapy, Yoga


By Appointment, Consultations


Acute Pain, Arthritis, Back, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Pain, Elbow Pain, Elbows, Feet, Hands, Head, Headaches, Hips, Injuries, Joint Replacement, Knees, Motor Accident Injuries, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Neck, Neck Pain, Posture, Sciatica, Shoulders, Spine, Sports Injuries, Sprains, Stability, Strains, Stress, Weight, Whiplash


Specific exercise, One on one consultation, Education, Manual therapy hands on approach, Diagnosis, Comprehensive assessment, Self management programs


  • What should I expect at my first consultation?

    Your physiotherapist will discuss the history relating to your complaint and ask you a series of questions regarding your area of discomfort. For example; when you experience the pain, what aggravates your pain, what are you unable to do, what are the movement restrictions you are experiencing because of your pain?

  • Is car parking available?

    Milton Physiotherapy provides easy access to our clients. Several car parking spaces are conveniently available directly in front of our premises at Camford Place (off Dorsey Street).

  • Do I need a referral?

    A medical referral is only necessary if you have been injured at work and your case is being managed by Work Cover or you are a Department of Veterans Affairs client. Otherwise, you do no not need a medical referral to receive treatment from a physiotherapist or to be able to claim a rebate for physiotherapy services from a private health fund.

  • How long does a treatment take?

    Your first consultation will take approximately 45-60 minutes with follow up consultations generally requiring 30minutes. Our reception staff will discuss this with you to gain an understanding of the time you require when booking your consultation.

  • Am I given exercises and advice on how to help myself through a self-managed program?

    Milton Physiotherapy ensures you are prescribed a full exercise program to accelerate improvement in your movement performance. We generate a tailored program that details photographs, instructions, repetitions and a suggested schedule for you to follow and refer to.

  • Can I claim my physiotherapy through my health cover? Do you have HICAPS?

    If you have 'extras' cover you should be eligible to claim part of your treatment fee. Individual health fund benefits can vary so you are best to check the details of your policy directly with your insurer. Most health funds are online with HICAPS. Milton Physiotherapy provides this service to process your health fund rebate leaving only the gap for you to pay following your consultation. Please ensure you bring your health fund card with you.