Shop 32, Q Super Centre, Corner Markeri and Bermuda Sts Mermaid Waters 4218

Ben Swindley Dental


Keep Your Smile Looking Great

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Shop 32, Q Super Centre, Corner Markeri and Bermuda Sts, Mermaid Waters QLD 4218

Ben Swindley Dental opening hours in Mermaid Waters

Dentist near me

Ben Swindley Dental opening hours in Mermaid Waters

8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
8:00am - 5:30pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
By Appointment
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About Us

Ben Swindley Dental - Promotion

About Ben Swindley Dental

  • Cosmetic dentistry / Veneers / Whitening
  • Family Dentistry & Oral Care
  • Choice of Payment Options
  • Oral surgery
  • Diagnostic dentistry
Cosmetic & family dentistry with a soft touch - emergency appointments available - instant health fund rebates
Our team of gentle, professional dentists offers an exceptional standard of modern dental care using state of the art equipment and a reputation both for excellence and for putting our patients at ease.

Ben is passionate about caring for the dental health of Gold Coast families and provides an educative style coupled with gentle and friendly professional service. As a lifelong learner Ben continually updates his skills at seminars and lectures to give his clients the most comprehensive and modern care available.

Ben Swindley knows that choosing the right dentist for you and your family is an important decision. We understand that some clients have a fear of pain and discomfort, and we address these concerns in a reassuring and confident way, helping you to remain calm and relaxed.

General dentistry includes preventative treatments:

  • Regular checkups
  • Dental cleanings
  • Application of sealants and,
  • Treatment for teeth grinding (bruxism) As well as other services such as diagnostic and restorative work to keep your teeth in tip top condition.

Payment Methods

CashChequesDirect DebitEFTPOSMastercardVisa
98 681 272 911

Products and Services

Ben Swindley Dental - Promotion



Dental Concern

Abscess, Chipped Teeth, Discoloured Teeth, Dry Mouth, Halitosis, Inflammation, Nerves, Oral Cancer, Pressure, Stains, Wisdom Teeth


Abrasion, Caps, Computer Imaging, Dental Bridges, Dental Crowns, Dentures, Fillings, Occlusal Splints, Porcelain Veneers, Restorations, Root Canal Surgery, Sealants, Straightening, Tartar Control, Teeth Whitening, X-rays


Straumann, Zoom


Digital X-Ray, Lasers, MBF, Parking


Bonded, By Appointment, Children's Discounts, Emergency Services, Examinations, Medicare, Registered, Veterans Affairs Card Holders, Warranties

Catering To

Adults, Children, Cosmetic Dentistry, Endodontics, Family, Micro-dentistry, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Rehabilitation


  • What is gingivitis?

    Gingivitis is inflammation of the tissues of the gum. When plaque builds up excessively along the gum line the gums can become irritated and inflamed resulting in soreness.

  • Why is my breath bad in the morning?

    Because the mouth does not get as much oxygen during the night hours and because it is largely inactive often your breath odour will be worse when you wake up in the morning.

  • Should I be flossing my child's teeth?

    YES. As soon as two teeth touch together you should begin with gentle flossing. Usually two of the back teeth will touch first. Usually you will do it for them but as they get older they will manage this nicely themselves. It is very important to take care of baby teeth because they hold the places for the adult teeth to come through. If a baby tooth is lost sometimes the permanent tooth can come in crooked.

  • My gums are sore and red; does that mean I have gingivitis?

    If your gums have become tender or you are experiencing bleeding gums then you may have gingivitis. But over-vigorous brushing and flossing can also be the cause of these symptoms. If you have ruled these out as possible culprits then it is important to get to a dentist for a check-up as soon as possible. If treated early, more serious consequences such as loss of bone structure can be avoided. However if gingivitis is left to advance it may lead to periodontal disease.

  • What do I do if one of my child's teeth is accidently knock out?

    Place the tooth in cool milk or salt water and get to the dentist immediately Do not clean the tooth or wash it. The dentist will want to inspect the tooth to make sure there is nothing left behind in the gum.

  • When will my baby start getting teeth?

    Baby teeth begin to appear sometime between 6months and 1 year. The first two teeth to appear are usually the top and bottom two front teeth. My baby is a nearly a year old and still hasn't got any teeth. Don't worry; they will appear in their own good time. If your child still has no teeth at 15 - 18 months schedule a visit to your dentist so he can take a look and make sure everything is okay.