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We pride ourselves on accurate and specific diagnoses of musculoskeletal complaints while having a more holistic view of the body and treating the person rather than just the condition.
Our role in the healthcare system is for helping people maintain and restore health, that includes those suffering from a specific musculoskeletal problem to others who seek health education and preventive measures.
In Australia, Osteopaths are government registered practitioners who complete a minimum of 5-year University degree (3 yr Bachelor's Degree and 2 yr Master Degree) training in anatomy, physiology, pathology, general medical diagnosis, and Osteopathic techniques.
Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays
Alternative Health Therapy, Assessments, HICAPS, Massage
Alternative Therapy, Ergonomics, Pain Management, Pre/Post-Natal, Private Health Funds, Rehabilitation
24hr Turnaround, Accredited, By Appointment, Consultations, DVA Approved, Insurance Claims, No Referral Necessary, Registered, Same Day Service, TAC, Workcover Approved
Ankles, Arthritis, Back, Chronic Conditions, Cranium, Headaches, Injuries, Joints, Knees, Migraines, Muscles, Neck, Overuse Injuries, Pain, Posture, Sciatica, Shoulders, Spine, Sprains, Strains, Stress
Adults, Children, Seniors, Teenagers
Neck Pain Maroochydore, Rotator Cuff Injuries Sunshine Coast, Headaches, Bursitis Maroochydore, Hip Pain, Neck Pain Sunshine Coast, Migraines, Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain Sunshine Coast, Rotator Cuff Injuries, Sporting Injuries, Migraines Sunshine Coast, Hip Pain Sunshine Coast, Lower Back Pain Maroochydore, Bursitis, Osteopathy, Lower Back Pain, Bursitis Sunshine Coast, Osteopath Sunshine Coast, Realignment, Hip Pain Maroochydore, Osteopath Maroochydore, Knee Pain Maroochydore, Head Aches Maroochydore, Knee Pain, Manipulation, Osgood Schlatters, Desk Ergonomics, Severe Disease, Headaches Sunshine Coast, Massage, Knee Pain Sunshine Coast, Migraines Maroochydore
Osteopathy is a non-invasive, manual therapy that focuses on the musculoskeletal framework and aims to diagnose and treat the entire body, not just the symptomatic areas
It manipulates and strengthens the spine, joints, muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue, as well as the nervous, circulatory, and lymphatic systems, to improve overall health and well-being.
Osteopathy began in Australia in 1955 with the formation of the Australian Osteopathic Association, now known as Osteopathy Australia, and has grown to be one of the fastest-growing allied health professions in the country