About Us
Products and Services
We are proud that this firm was the first Queensland law firm to offer full litigation services for motor vehicle accident recoveries. From property loss, income loss, personal injury and insurance claims disputes to setting precedents in the Queensland Magistrates Court, we have successfully advocated on behalf of the taxi industry for over 22 years.
We have an extensive and invaluable Plaintiff as well as Defendant experience, that makes us a little more "street" smart when it comes to knowing what our opponent will do. Equally our experience in litigation makes us the perfect choice for preparation of formal Agreements and Contracts as we understand where problems can otherwise occur.
We have noticed some other firms almost copying us from our name and logo to our unique services offered, we believe that means we must be doing something right. As almost all our business is generated by referrals, both from existing clients and even opponents, we think this speaks volumes for our reputation for getting the job done effectively and with minimum fuss!
District Court, Federal Court, Federal Magistrates Court, High Court, Magistrates' Court, Supreme Court
Appeals, Civil Disputes, Civil Litigation, Commercial Law, Court Appearances, Death Claims, Debts, Deceased Estates, Disputed Wills, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Power of Attorney, Prenuptial Agreements, Property Damage, Property Law, Traffic Offences
Insurance Claims, Leasing, Registered
Accidents, Business Disputes, Careless Driving, Construction Disputes, Contractual Disputes, Culpable Driving, Dangerous Driving, Death, Debt Agreements, Drink Driving, Driving Causing Injury, Driving Disqualified, Drug Driving, Imprisonment, Insurance Disputes, Landlord Disputes, Licence Disqualification, Motor Vehicle Property Damage, Purchase of Business, Refuse Breath Test, Sale of Business, Suspended Licenses, Unlicensed Driving, Vehicle Damage, Wrongful Death
Business Law, Commercial Litigation, Construction Law, Contracts, Conveyancing, Estate Law, General, Government, Insurance, Licencing, Partnership Dissolution, Probate, Probates and Estates, Property, Traffic Law, Trusts, Vehicle, Wills
Probate is the grant by the supreme court of Queensland of the right to administer the estate by the appointed executor, in terms of the contents of the will; it is the "proving" of the will.
There are only certain classes of persons who can apply in such a case. If you believe you have not received a fair entitlement, (or any for that matter), you should seek legal advice about what you might be entitled to.
By law, you are now charged with wrapping up the affairs of the deceased person. Often, this involves forms, forms and more forms, many of them legal in nature. Your best bet if uncertain is to have legal representation to sort it all out. These expenses are a proper expense of the estate, so can be paid by the estate.
EPA is enduring power of attorney. Everyone should have one, as in the event you lose capacity, it may be necessary to make an application to the QCAT by someone to be appointed to look after your affairs if there is no appointment via this document. This can be quite a problem if you are running a business, as the delays are considerable, not to mention the stress and expense.
In order to get a work licence, you have to be eligible. Your reading needs to be less than .15 and you must not have lost your licence in the last 5 years. You must be over 25 if you are not on a licence. It is always best to let us confirm your eligibility. This is part of our service if you engage us to represent you in court.
The answer here depends entirely on your reading. There are now 3 "classes" of readings in Queensland - 1 the low range, which is less than .10 (subject to the no alcohol limit for professional drivers); 2 the medium range which is .10 up to .149, and finally the high range, which is .15 and above. For low range, you are suspended for 24 hours from apprehension by police. For medium, you are suspended until further dealt with by the court, likewise for high range.
SHO stands for special hardship order. To be eligible, you must have not lost your licence, or appealed, in the last 5 years. You will have to convince a court that you need your licence to earn a living, or for some other extreme reason, and that your Traffic History is not so bad as to preclude you from being successful. Again, you need to prove these things to the court and again how this proof is presented is critical to your chances of success.
Usually, the fine will be the result of an on-the-spot ticket issued by the police. There is part of that ticket that you complete and send off to QLD transport. You should shortly after that receives in the mail a summons to court. That is a good time to obtain legal advice about further procedure, and your prospects of succeeding. This is especially so if you are at risk of losing your licence as a result.
If you are uninsured, you will still have a right of recovery against the other party or his insurance, if you are right, or mostly right. Often, determining who is right and wrong is a job for those with experience in such matters. We are happy to assist you here. If you are in the wrong, you may have to pay the other party's losses. Again, we are happy to help you negotiate, if you are being pursued by the other party or his insurer.
You are entitled to recover those losses that are a "foreseeable consequence" of the incident. E.g. If you are a taxi, you are entitled to a claim for lost earnings for the repair time, subject to proof. If you are uncertain as to what else you might be able to claim, we suggest you obtain our further advice.