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Townsville Catholic Education opening hours in Kirwan

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Townsville Catholic Education opening hours in Kirwan

8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Open Monday to Friday
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  1. About Us

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  3. FAQs

About Us

Townsville Catholic Education - Promotion

About Townsville Catholic Education

  • Care for individual students in a holistic way
  • Modern technology and state-of-the-art facilities
  • Each school teaches the Australian Curriculum
  • Staff are experts in education & pastoral support
  • Network of 30 schools across Northern Queensland
Our network of 29 schools in the Townsville Diocese offers quality education in a faith-based environment.
Education - Catholic schools - Kindergarten - Primary, Secondary, P-12, Boarding.

Townsville Catholic Education is a network of 29 schools with more than 12,000 students covering an area that extends from Proserpine in the south through to Ingham in the north and Mount Isa in the west. Our schools come in all shapes and sizes including boarding colleges and city-based schools, through to smaller schools in remote based locations. Our education choices include primary, secondary, prep to year 12 institutions, and boarding colleges, as well as kindergarten and childcare facilities.

All schools in the Townsville Diocese use the learning areas from the Australian Curriculum to develop units of work which are delivered in the most contemporary way. Teachers look to integrate areas of learning such as digital technologies to ensure the curriculum comes to life for students. Important 21st century skills such as being able to communicate, innovate, design and create are also included in teachers’ curriculum design.

All staff share in the evangelising mission of Jesus and the Church as they endeavour to accomplish a mixture of faith, life and culture in the community. More than one third of the children in Catholic schools are not Catholic, as parents are free to choose the qualities of a Catholic school, regardless of their religious beliefs. Catholic schools are welcoming and open to all who seek a Catholic education. They are sacred places where spiritual life is nurtured and they provide a quality, relevant and holistic education.

Payment Methods

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13 622 319 794

Products and Services

Townsville Catholic Education - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Catholic, Christian


Acting, Boarding, Boys Only, Business, Child Care, Co-ed, Day School, Diplomas, English, Film, Girls Only, Italian, Languages, Marketing, Modelling, Multimedia, Sports


Accredited, By Appointment, Conservatorium, Licensed, Registered, Workshops

Catering To

Adults, Children, Kindergarten, Preschool, Primary School, Secondary School, TAFE


Catholic schools in Hughenden, Catholic schools in Townsville, Australian curriculum, catholic education, Secondary schools, boarding colleges, Catholic schools in Bowen, P-12 schools, Townsville education, Catholic schools in Winton, Catholic schools in Cloncurry, Catholic schools Palm Island, Education, Townsville Diocese, Primary schools, Catholic schools in Proserpine, Schools, Catholic, Catholic schools in Charters Towers, catholic schools, Catholic schools in Mount Isa, Colleges, Townsville schools, Catholic schools in Collinsville, Catholic schools in Ingham, Townsville, Catholic schools in the Burdekin


  • How are the school levies/fees determined?

    Generally, Catholic schools are responsible for setting their own school fee levels. This is done in consultation with their appropriate school authority. The level of school fees collected varies from school to school and will depend on location and the needs of the particular community.

  • How do Catholic schools contribute to the Australian community?

    About one in five Australian students is educated in a Catholic school. Therefore Catholic schools make a significant contribution to the social, cultural, economic and political life of the nation. Students are encouraged to learn and develop their skills, explore their own values and discuss the Catholic perspective on a range of current social issues.

  • How do Catholic schools cater for students who are gifted and talented?

    Many of Queensland's Catholic schools have programs to encourage students to explore new ideas and expand their knowledge. Information about these programs is available from the school.

  • Where can I obtain further information about Catholic Education in Queensland?

    You can obtain information about Queensland Catholic Education Commission in GPO Box 2441, Brisbane, QLD 4001; 1st Floor, The Catholic Centre, 143 Edward Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000; Phone: 07 3336 9306; Email: [email protected]; Website:

  • Why should I choose Catholic Education?

    Catholic Schools aspire to the distinctive mission and ideals of maintaining high academic standards within a faith-based education framework. Each of our schools has a unique spirit and all strive to shape and develop students to become compassionate and contributing members of our world and responsible stewards of our environment. Catholic Education is a lifelong process that fosters the development of the whole person.

  • Why do Catholic schools have fees?

    As there is a shortfall between the costs of running a school and the amount funded by Government, a reasonable fee structure is necessary for Catholic schools to operate and provide quality learning environments. Schools strive to keep fees as low as possible.

  • What part does Religious Education play in the curriculum of a Catholic school?

    It is an important component of the curriculum. All Catholic schools are required, by the Bishop of the diocese, to implement a religious education program which is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church. The Religious Education curriculum supports the faith development of children through developing their knowledge of and practice in prayer, sacraments, liturgy & scripture. Students are encouraged to explore values and discuss the Catholic perspective of a range of current social issues.