Darling St Ipswich 4305

Ipswich Grammar School opening hours in Ipswich

Ipswich Grammar School opening hours in Ipswich

8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Ipswich Grammar School - Promotion

About Ipswich Grammar School

  • The Oldest Grammar School In Queensland
  • Over 160 Years Of Experience
  • Our Staff Are Expertly Trained In Teaching Boys
  • Our Curriculum Is Designed To Be Fun & Engaging For Boys
Every day at IGS is stimulating, unique and exciting. We tap into the sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around us.
Established under the Grammar Schools Act of 1861, we have the honour of being the first grammar school in Queensland. Just 16 boys were enrolled to commence on October 7, 1863 which soon grew to hundreds, compelling the School to extend our original buildings - the Great Hall.

With over 150 years of experience in teaching boys, we understand what makes them tick. Over this time we have developed and implemented innovative approaches to address the specific learning needs of boys.

Every day is stimulating, unique and exciting. We tap into boys' sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. We encourage our boys to explore exciting new possibilities, exposing them to different opportunities and experiences that will set them on the path to being confident, connected lifelong learners who also possess strong moral values.

Our school is founded on, and lives by, the belief that education is the key to unlocking an individual's opportunities in life. We challenge ourselves and our boys to be exceptional performers.

By tailoring programs and activities to meet our students' specific needs, we ensure every boy has the opportunity to reach his full academic, cultural and social potential. Students are supported by staff from various backgrounds who bring world-class knowledge and experience to our learning environment.

Payment Methods

94 945 905 973
Also listed under
Boys' Schools

Products and Services

Ipswich Grammar School - Promotion




Academic Training, Boarding, Boys Only, Business, Child Care, Day School, English, Film, German, Information Technology, Japanese, Marketing, Modelling, Sports


Accredited, By Appointment, Workshops

Catering To

Adults, Children, Kindergarten, Preschool, Primary School, Secondary School


Boarding, Academic Training, Day School, Boys Only, Child Care


  • How do I contact you?

    You can call us at 07 3813 9600

  • Where are you located?

    We are located in Darling St, Ipswich QLD 4305.

  • What are your opening hours?

    We are open from Monday to Friday at 8:00am - 4:30pm