77 Roderick St Ipswich 4305


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Baird & Hayes opening hours in Ipswich

Land Surveyors near me

Baird & Hayes opening hours in Ipswich

8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Open Monday to Friday
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Baird & Hayes - Promotion

About Baird & Hayes

  • Surveyors And Town Planners
  • Since 1946
  • Quality, Value, Service & Friendliness
  • Boundary Definition And Remarking
  • Land Development Consultation
We understand the importance of limiting project costs and managing approvals within the statutory time frames.
Baird & Hayes are an integrated team of surveyors and town planners providing a co-ordinated approach to each and every development project.

We provide advice and professional services for all types of subdivisions and a wide range of residential, commercial and industrial projects, including the rural and mining development sectors. We pride ourselves in offering a personalised and friendly service and in ensuring that projects are well managed through regulatory processes to practical completion.

Surveying services offered by Baird & Hayes include but are not limited to:

  • Identification/ Boundary Surveys
  • Contour and Detail / Level Surveys 
  • Lease and Licence Surveys
  • Easement Surveys
  • Amalgamation and Subdivision Survey Plans
  • Consultancy and Advice
  • Strata Surveys
  • Industrial, Residential, Rural

Our clients:

Our clients range from investment and development companies to individuals or family trusts who wish to develop land or residential, commercial or industrial building projects. We service clients involved in land development and mining industries and various types of rural industries such as quarries and batching plants.

Products and Services

Baird & Hayes - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Boundary Identification, Cadastral Mapping, Cemetery Surveys, Construction Set Out, Construction Surveys, Contour Plans, Detail Surveys, Development Applications, Environmental Surveys, Estimation of Volumes, Expert Witness, Feature Surveys, Fencing Set Out, GIS, GPS Surveys, Infrastructure Surveys, Laser Scanning, Lay-outs, Lease Surveys, Lettable Area Surveys, Level Surveys, Marking, Measuring, Powerline Surveys, Project Management, Remarking, Rescode Surveys, Service Location, Setting Out Works, Site Analysis Surveys, Strata Surveys, Subdivision Planning, Topographical Mapping, Unit Plans


Building Extensions, Commercial, Drainage, Earthworks, Easements, Engineering Surveys, Flood Level, Geographic Information, Geospatial, Identification, Industrial, Irrigation, Pipeline, Precise Levelling, Railways, Re-Establishment Surveys, Residential, Rural, Sewers, Strata Titles, Subdivisions, Title, Topography, Transmission Lines


By Appointment, Consultations, Evaluations, Inspections, Licensed, Owner Operated, Quotes, Registered

Catering To

Civil Engineering, Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Farming, Mining, Real Estate, Regional Planning, Town Planning


Building Approval, Site analysis Ipswich, Compliance, Identification, Boundaries, Surveyor’s Certificate, Duplex, Council, Somerset Region Surveyors, Boundary Surveys, Brisbane Surveyors, Lockyer Surveyors, surveying, Fence, Development Approvals, Pegs, Land Development Consultation, Realignment, Subdivision, Scenic Rim Region Surveyors, Logan Surveyors, Ipswich Surveyors, Titles, Line, Lot, Cadastral surveyor, Building Certifier, Rural Subdivision, Pre-Purchase Inspections, Form 16, survey, Levels, Cadastral, Planning, Development Application, Easements, Reconfiguration


  • How much to mark out my boundary?

    The cost of marking out one boundary on a parcel for a typical suburban allotment is somewhat cheaper than marking the whole of Title. 80% of our jobs of this style of work will be in the range from $1,500.00 to $3,000.00 plus GST. (Search fees apply).

  • How much to mark out my fences?

    Boundary fences may or may not be on the true Title boundary and if a fence is to be replaced then it may be prudent to have a Surveyor mark out the Title boundary. This is called an Identification Survey and a typical suburban allotment in the Ipswich area would be in the range from $1,500.00 and $3,000.00 plus GST to mark the Title prior to the fencing program. A quote can be provided (Search fees apply).

  • Can I get a Title to my Unit?

    The word “Unit” applies to Residential, a Commercial or Industrial. Any “Unit” that has been built recently is likely to comply with Council and Building Code requirements. Older Units may not comply – especially with respect to fire rating. It is prudent to check compliance if it is intended to divide existing Units into separate Titles. To retrofit a structure can be an expensive operation. Baird & Hayes can assist you with achieving a separate Title for any of the Units listed above.

  • How much to do a survey?

    The word Survey refers to a category of services we provide. The cost will vary depending on each individual project. Baird & Hayes are happy to provide a quotation for any of our services once we have a chance to review the scope of the project.

  • What does my Draftsman need from the Surveyor?

    Your Draftsman will require a Base Survey Plan on which they place their design. A base plan includes surface levels, location of services, structures, vegetation, fences, roads, kerbs, footpaths, etc., that may have an impact on how the building is to be designed. This is also called a Contour and Detail Survey or Digital Terrain Model. Baird & Hayes will supply you with a quote for a scope depending on the requirements of the Draftsman, Architect, or client.

  • Where is the flood level on my land?

    Different Local Authorities and the State Government agencies have records of known flood levels for different areas in the state. Baird and Hayes are able to search the records of these agencies to obtain the official flood level. Baird and Hayes can then go to the subject land and indicate on the property the height of the notified flood level.

  • How much to make an application to council?

    Council charges an application fee that varies depending on the type of application. Similarly, the survey and town planning consultant's fees vary depending on the application. Baird and Hayes are happy to give you an indication of the costs once we have had the chance to review the particular site and its requirements. Our desk top study followed by advice costs $500 + GST.

  • Can I subdivide my land?

    Baird and Hayes can carry out an investigation into the potential to subdivide your land. This investigation will reveal whether there is a good chance that council will be able to consider and approve a formal subdivision application.

  • How do I subdivide my land?

    Our Surveyors and Town Planners help you prepare an application to Council to gain the permission you need to subdivide. Your Local Council assesses your application and issues a Decision Notice that lists all the Conditions that apply to finalise your Subdivision. Once we have helped you meet all of the required Conditions, Council will approve and sign the Surveyor’s Subdivision Plan. When Council has signed the Subdivision Plan it is ready to be processed by the State Titles Registry Office.

  • How much to make an application to Council?

    Every Local Council charge an application fee that varies depending on the type of application. For example, fees for a One into Two Subdivision application are about $2,600.00, whereas a simple dual occupancy is closer to $4,000.00. These are the Council fees for Assessment only and the preparation of the application itself depends on the size of the development. We can do a desk top study and provide you advice for the cost of the project for $500 + GST.