About Us
Products and Services
Additional Locations
Lachy Campbell Farrier. Servicing the Bundaberg region and all surrounding areas.
Currently undertaking CertIV trade qualification. Give me a call for all forms of hoof care for your horse.
Hot Shoeing, Barefoot Trimming, Race Plates and Remedial Work.
0456525 010 or lachycampbellshoeing.com
Hoof Balancing, Hoof Care, Hoof Trimming
Reasonable Rates, Locally Owned, Competitive Riders, Skilled, Comfort, Corrective Treatments, Exceptional Hoof Care, Therapeutic Hoof Care, Trimming, Shoeing
As a rule of thumb, horses should be trimmed every 6-8 weeks to maintain hoof balance and soundness.
The duration of shoeing appointment depends on the required work and type of horse.
Yes, we are. Our ABN is 68986672255.