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Think you should be doing exercises to help yourself?
We can provide advice on the best exercises, proper technique, and the best timing to give you fastest results.
Fast track to health
A 30-40 minute appointment where we cover very important points on living a healthy lifestyle, teach you how to get the most out of your chiropractic care and how to look after your spine.
Sunday By Appointment.
Open Evenings, Open Late, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays, Open Sundays
Support Pillows
Adjustments, After Hours Service, By Appointment, Consultations, Corrective Care, Examinations, Extremity Adjusting, Gift Vouchers, No Referral Necessary, Patient Education, Posture Correction, Posture Training, Preventative Maintenance, Rehabilitation, Remedial Massage, Same Day Service, Spinal Adjustment, Spinal Alignment, Spinal Care Classes, Spinal Exercises, Spinal Health Workshops, Spinal Screenings, Spinal X-Ray, Subluxation
Department of Veterans' Affairs, Disabled Access, Family Care, Female Practitioners, Gonstead, Health Maintenance, Male Practitioners, Parking, Spinal Health, Sports Care, WorkCover
Accredited, Certified, Chiropractors' Association of Australia, Health Insurance, Pensioner Discount, Registered, Senior Discounts, Workcover Approved
Ankles, Arm Pain, Arthritis, Asthma, Back, Back Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Children's Posture, Colic, Elbows, Fatigue, Feet, Fingers, Hands, Head, Headaches, Hips, Injuries, Joints, Knees, Leg Pain, Migraines, Muscle Aches, Muscles, Neck, Neck Pain, Nerves, Pelvis, Posture, Pregnancy, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Shoulders, Spine, Stress, Tension, Wrists
Children, Couples, Families, Individuals, Men, Seniors, Women
Nervous System, Massage Therapy, Leg Knee & Foot Pain, Headaches, Frozen Shoulder, Experts In Spinal Care, Migraine Relief, Pain Relief, Disc Pain, Reflux, Atherton Tablelands Chiropractor, Back Pain Relief, Pinched Nerves, Scoliosis, Cranial Adjustments, Colic Relief, Atlas Adjustment, Cairns City Chiropractor, Stress & Energy Levels, Sciatica, Lower Back Pain, Hip Pain Relief, Sinus Pain Relief, Remedial Massage, Posture Problems, Sinus Relief, Mareeba Chiropractor, Posture & Wellness, Cooktown Chiropractor, Gonstead, Bulging Disc, Cervical Adjustments, RSI, Nerve Pain, Flying Chiropractor, Shoulder Pain, Neck Pain Relief, Carpel Tunnel, Pins & Needles, Natural Health, Bed Wetting, X-Rays, Cairns Chiropractor, Sports Injuries, Weipa Chiropractor, Pregnancy Chiropractic, Kids Chiropractor, Arthritis Pain Relief
Chiropractors help people. We work with the spine, muscles and nerves to relieve your pain, resolve your problems and improve your health. We are mainly interested in the spine for two reasons, firstly if the spine works well it doesn't wear out early, and secondly, every message that goes to your body has to pass through your spine first. If your spine isn't working well, messages to and from your brain can be interrupted causing pain and other problems therefore decreasing your health.
Each Chiropractic Works chiropractor has completed a minimum of 5 years' full time university study and has a minimum of 2 university degrees. Each Chiropractic Works chiropractor has completed further specialised technique training. We are registered and regulated by the QLD Department of Health. To stay up to date with the latest information each Chiropractic Works chiropractor attends continuing education seminars.
Yes, chiropractic care is extremely safe. Research has shown chiropractic care to be 246 times safer than anti-inflammatory drugs and safer and more cost effective than many other forms of treatment.
With any health care procedure there are risks. Chances of risks are extremely small and our well trained chiropractors will perform a thorough examination to ensure risks are further minimised. Your chiropractor will discuss any risks that apply to you before you are adjusted. To put things into perspective, if you drive your car to see your chiropractor, then you have a greater chance of being injured in a car accident than from your chiropractic care (Lauretti W. JACA 36(9) 42-47, 1999).
You should expect great results. We don't accept patients for care if we don't think we can help. Response time varies from person to person and can depend on how bad the problem is, how long the problem has been there, your age, previous health status, and several other factors. Occasionally people may feel minor discomfort before improvement occurs as restricted joints start to move again, causing muscle and ligament change back to top. This is usually mild.
Again this varies to person to person, some people needing just a few and others needing more. Initially you will be adjusted more frequently until you start to function better. As your spine gets stronger, your appointments will be spaced further apart and we will start to shift the emphasis more on self-care by you. Once feeling better most people choose to continue their chiropractic care to help them continue to feel good and function at their best.