About Us
Products and Services
Bowen therapy helps with many different conditions, from muscle soreness and pain to many deep seated problems. It is a soft tissue healing technique that stimulates the body's self-healing resources. It is a gentle form of body work in which very subtle moves are performed over the muscles and connective tissue. There are frequent but very essential pauses throughout the session that allows the body time to respond and begin the healing process.
By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Reduce Muscle Tension, Registered, Relaxation, Stress Release
Open Monday - Friday
Muscle Strain, Pain
Therapy, Stress Release, Muscle Tension, QLD 4556, Emmett Technique, Hormonal, Certified, Sclerology, Mental Health, Bowen Theraphy
If you have pain in your body or feel that something is just not quite right, you owe it to yourself to experience the wonderful world of Bowen therapy and the Emmett technique.
Emmett technique is also an Australian therapy and assists with a wide variety of ailments.
These techniques are muscle release therapies and are designed to bring the body back to a state of balance, allowing it to release and heal.