none Beaudesert 4285

McGahan Building Contractors opening hours in Beaudesert

McGahan Building Contractors opening hours in Beaudesert

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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

McGahan Building Contractors - Promotion

About McGahan Building Contractors

Our building services in Beaudesert can help to make your dream home a reality.
McGahan Building Contractors offers a wide array of building and remodelling services, for any job, big or small. We know how to get the job done right the first time so that you're left with a quality finished product that is lasting and affordable.

We are a building company from Beaudesert with a highly dedicated team with a lot of experience working together. We coordinate our team to ensure that everybody plays to their strengths and learns from one another. We look forward to each new challenge as a chance to surpass ourselves and deliver a final product that leaves our clients breathless.

57 886 501 450

Products and Services

McGahan Building Contractors - Promotion






Alterations, Construction, Custom Designs, Designs, Extensions, Renovations


Commercial, New Homes, Project, Residential


BSA, Elevated


  • Who is the founder of McGahan Building Contractors?

    John McGahan, who has been in the building industry for over 30 years, founded the company in 1990.

  • What is the company’s approach to building projects?

    They pride themselves on getting it done right the first time, every time, focusing on perfecting every angle to minimize costs and time.

  • What kind of experience does the team bring to each project?

    Every project is handled by experts with the most experienced professionals ensuring that things run smoothly and efficiently.