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Territory Business Sales opening hours in Darwin

Territory Business Sales opening hours in Darwin

8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
24/7 By Appointment. After Hours By Appointment
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Territory Business Sales - Promotion

About Territory Business Sales

  • Leading Seller Of NT Businesses For Past 5 Years
  • Over $26 Million In NT SME Business Sales
  • Options From Sell It Yourself To Full Brokerage
  • Franchise Advice-New & Existing Franchisees
  • 20 Years Of Very Successful NT Business Experience
Specialist assistance to buy or sell an NT business.
Territory business sales specialise in the sales & valuation of NT businesses. We have products for all business types, sizes and values.

Business Sales

TBS provides a full range of services from full brokerage & management of the sale process, through to advisory or marketing assistance. 

Market Appraisal

TBS calculates a likely achievable market value for your business where the owner maximises their return - the essential first step to any sale or exit process.


TBS provides specialist guidance to existing owners looking to sell their business themselves; guidance to people looking at purchasing a business & and associated due diligence they should undertake; business advisory to owners looking to increase their business value & specialist franchise advisory for both existing and potential new franchise owners.


Bachelor Of Laws (1st Class Honors; Supreme Court Medal For 2014 Graduating Class).

Payment Methods

99 117 259 552
163 374 507
Also trades as
Advantage Business Sales NT

Products and Services

Territory Business Sales - Promotion




Negotiations, Sales


Commercial, Industrial


Financing, Franchising, Guaranteed, Licensed, Takeaway

Catering To

Accounting, Food, Franchises, Manufacturing, Service


Business Sale, Family Buyout, Business Visa, 457 Visa, Insolvency, Buy a Business, Business Advisory, Mergers, Business Migration, Marketing, Franchising, Staff Buyout, Business Planning, Business Growth, Business Broker, Advertising, Business Valuer, Business Values, Market Appraisal, Exit Planning, Acquisitions, Franchisee, Administration, Buyout, Franchise Sales, Sell my Franchise, Franchise, Vendor Finance, Business Finance, Business Profits, Sell my business, Increase Profits, Business for Sale, Buy a Franchise


  • Outcomes?

    Businesses are sold based around what a buyer believes they will earn when they own it, not necessarily what the current owner has earned from it. Most businesses will have some value, even those making significant losses – the key is to get the correct advice to ensure this value is realised. Although the current earnings of a business are important in determining a value range, they are only one component.

  • Timing?

    Despite our economic cycle being at a historic low point, it is important to realise that it is an economic cycle. Businesses are still selling, but at generally lower price points than previously.

  • Cost?

    Business sale costs are highly variable. Like any professional expense, owners should give consideration to the likely benefit of having a professional conduct the sale rather than themselves. The benchmark that owners should compare is that the likely end price achieved by a professional broker with extensive experience should be well in excess of any costs of using that person.

  • Time?

    In the current market, sales have slowed as buyer demand has declined. However some sales may still occur in 1-2 months. The majority are now taking 6-12 months or even longer. Price is a significant factor in determining the speed of a sale with lower priced businesses generally attracting higher levels of buyer enquiry and selling faster than more expensive ones of a similar nature or in the same industry.

  • Franchise?

    In the current market, sales have slowed as buyer demand has declined. However some sales may still occur in 1-2 months. The majority are now taking 6-12 months or even longer. Price is a significant factor in determining the speed of a sale with lower priced businesses generally attracting higher levels of buyer enquiry and selling faster than more expensive ones of a similar nature or in the same industry.

  • Why use us?

    Selling a business is one of the hardest tasks that many people will ever undertake. Business Brokers specialise in this task – despite many years’ experience, I still learn from every sale. The likely outcome of using a Certified Practising Business Broker is their experience, knowledge and skill should regularly achieve an end outcome for the seller of around 20-30% above what an owner operator is likely to achieve themselves as well as a faster outcome.