Suite 3/136 Nelson Street Wallsend 2287


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Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle opening hours in Wallsend

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Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle opening hours in Wallsend

9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
Fri By Appointment
Sat By Appointment
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
Helping Children and Adults having difficulties with learning and reading.
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About Us

Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle - Promotion

About Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle

  • NDIS registered
  • High-quality results
  • Experienced & qualified
  • Fully licensed and insured
  • Over 30 years of experience
Our assessments involve the use of coloured overlays and specifically tinted Irlen Spectral Filters that are worn as glasses.
Joan is a fully qualified teacher with over 30 years' experience teaching primary, secondary and tertiary level students. She has owned two tutoring businesses where she was able to help students experiencing learning difficulties. Joan also sees many adults who have always had reading difficulties but thought that they just "had to live with it".

What Is Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle?

Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle provides support for children who are struggling at school for no apparent reason. Their teachers and parents cannot understand why they are having problems reading. These children usually experience distortions of print when they are reading but they do not self-report because they do not realise that everyone else sees the words differently from them.

We offer an assessment of the presence and severity of the symptoms of Irlen Syndrome. Once determined that the symptoms are present, we then determine what colour helps to remove the symptoms. Each individual with symptoms is sensitive to particular colours, so when this is identified, we provide relief in the form of overlays and/or Irlen Spectral Filters, which are worn as glasses. For more information, see our website or call today.

Do You Experience Any Of The Following?

Words blurring, moving, shaking?

Tiredness after a short time of reading?

Headaches sensitivity to light or glare?

Having to reread lines of print?

Difficulty maintaining concentration when reading?

Missing words or lines when reading?

A difficulty with comprehension? Untidy writing?

Watery, itchy or stinging eyes when reading?

How can I tell if I might have Irlen Syndrome? Here is a simple quiz that you can do to determine if you might be suffering from the visual perception problem called Irlen Syndrome-

 If you answered yes to more than 4 of these questions, then it suggests that you may have Irlen Syndrome and that you should consider contacting us to have a detailed assessment. 

Our Team


Joan Brien Joan is a fully qualified teacher with over 30 years' experience teaching primary, secondary and tertiary level, students. She has owned two tutoring businesses where she was able to help students experiencing learning difficulties. She has a degree in Biological Science and Psychology and this, along with her teaching experience enables her to relate to children of all ages. Many children who come to see her have very low self-esteem and self-confidence because they are usually not achieving academically at the same level as their classmates. Joan is able to talk to them at a level that makes them feel comfortable and as a result, they usually leave with an increased optimism that they can achieve what is expected of them. Children who come to see Joan have often fallen into reading habits that make it difficult for them to read effectively. Parents are often looking to Joan to provide them with strategies that they can use to help their children "catch up" to their peers. Joan also sees many adults who have always had reading difficulties but thought that they just "had to live with it". Adults respond just as well as children in overcoming the problems that they experience while reading.

JULIE MATTHEWS B.A. Grad.Cert. Education

Julie Matthews Julie is a certified Irlen Diagnostician and has worked at the clinic since 2009. She has Irlen Syndrome herself and her three children also suffer from it. This allows her to be able to relate to the children who come to the clinic for assessment. Many children arrive feeling quite anxious, but Julie is able to make them feel comfortable after a short time. When the children see that she wears Irlen lenses herself, it often makes it all seem ok.

Payment Methods

55 621 475 321
621 475 321

Products and Services

Irlen Diagnostic Clinic Newcastle - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Flexible Hours, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays


Conferences, Seminars


Assessment, Program Evaluation, School Selection


Attention Disorders, Commercial, English, Giftedness, IT, Learning Difficulties, Listening, Literacy, Mathematics, Numeracy, Occupational Health, Personal Growth, Private Lessons, Special Education, Spelling, Study Skills


Accredited, By Appointment, Certified, Evaluations, Examinations, Registered

Catering To

Adults, Children


Adults Learning Disabilities, Learning Disability Training, Learning Disability Diagnosis, Learning Disabilities Services, Learning Disabilities Help, Learning Disabilities Resources, All About Learning Disabilities, Definition Of Learning Disability, Learning Disabled Child, Definition Of A Learning Disability, Definition Of Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Specialist, Learning Disability Education, Learning Disability Services, Difficulties Of Reading, People With Learning Difficulties, Headaches When Reading, Learning Disabilities Schools, Adult Learning Disability, Learning Disability Help, Learning Disabilities Education, Reading Learning Disabilities, Learning Disability Programs, Learning Disabilities Articles, Teaching Learning Disabilities, About Learning Disabilities, Learning Disability Child, Child Learning Disability, Severe Learning Disability, Jobs Learning Disabilities, Learning Disability Resources, Information About Learning Disabilities, Learning Problems In Children, School Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Websites, NDIS Registered, List Learning Disabilities, Learning Disabilities Types, Information On Learning Disabilities, Difficulties In Reading, Learning Disabilities Testing, Define Learning Disability, Parents And Reading, Learning Disability Colleges, Learning Disabilities Information, Difficulty Learning, Down Syndrome Learning Difficulties, Learning Disability Treatment, Moderate Learning Disability

Additional Locations

Showing 2 locations in 1 states


  • Is Irlen Syndrome the cause of all learning difficulties?

    No, there are many reasons why a child may not be achieving academic success at school, but Irlen Syndrome could be part of the puzzle.

  • How can I tell if my child may have Irlen Syndrome?

    There are a number of symptoms that are indicators of Irlen Syndrome. It is useful to do the self-test that can be found on the following website

  • Is Irlen Syndrome dyslexia?

    No, Irlen Syndrome is not dyslexia, but it can cause dyslexia. If Irlen Syndrome is the cause of the dyslexia, once it is identified and treated by the use of Irlen Spectral Filters, then the person should not be considered as dyslexia, particularly if they are able to read successfully.

  • Do all people with Irlen Syndrome have learning difficulties?

    No, a number of people with Irlen Syndrome still achieve academic success at school, but they often experience other symptoms. These include: not being able to read for long before experiencing tiredness; having to reread in order to remember what they have just read; getting headaches from intensive reading; feeling eyestrain when reading and writing; being sensitive to bright lights and glare.

  • Can Irlen Syndrome cause problems with depth perception?

    Yes, but not all people with Irlen Syndrome have difficulties with depth perception. For those who do, it can be difficult to judge distances when driving, hard to judge timing for getting on and off escalators, walking up and down stairs and for some, they view the world in two dimensions, rather than three dimensions.

  • Can Irlen Syndrome coexist with vision problems?

    Yes, a person can have a vision problem that can be corrected by prescription lenses from the optometrist, but still experience problems like blurred vision, words moving, words fading, words doubling, words merging together or stretching apart. If these difficulties are the result of Irlen Syndrome, prescription lenses will not fix them. So if a person has prescription lenses, these can be tinted to the specific Irlen tint selected during the assessment.

  • Do people with Irlen Syndrome have lower intelligence than non-sufferers?

    No, there is no relationship between Irlen Syndrome and intelligence. In fact, many sufferers are successful academics, teachers, lawyers, doctors and other professionals.

  • Is Irlen Syndrome the result of a vision problem?

    No, Irlen Syndrome is a visual processing dysfunction. It is not a vision problem so cannot be detected by optometric assessment. It cannot be corrected by optometric prescription but it can co-exist with vision problems. So some people with Irlen Syndrome have optometric prescription glasses that are then tinted to the specific Irlen colour that they require to remove any distortions that they may be experiencing.

  • Why do fluorescent lights cause such difficulties for people with Irlen Syndrome?

    Fluorescent lighting is much brighter than incandescent lighting and as Irlen sufferers are usually very sensitive to bright light, fluorescent lighting makes all white surfaces appear extremely bright.