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No, not all waterproofing membranes can be used for permanent UV exposure. Ensure the membrane you choose for exterior applications is specifically designed by the manufacturer for permanent UV exposure.
Concrete deterioration or ‘concrete cancer’ is due to the expansion of the reinforcing bar from the rusting process. This may have a structural effect on the concrete structure. It is always best to engage a structural engineer if you have any doubts regarding structural integrity. Remediation generally involves removing &/or cleaning deteriorating reinforcement & then treating with a primer. Repair mortars are then used to bring the concrete structure back to the original design strength.
The most common coating we recommend for garage floors are epoxy based. These coatings are available in a large range of colours and provide excellent durability for garage floors. They are resistant to most chemicals / solvents and provide excellent abrasion resistance for constant vehicle movements. Importantly they will not pinch off the surface when the vehicle tyres are hot or have aggressive tyre patterns.