Registered Surveyors, Planners, Ecologists And Bushfire Consultants
About Us
Products and Services
Clarke Dowdle & Associates offers experience in all types of cadastral surveying including: Identification surveys, Boundary marking, Setout for building or civil construction, Urban and rural subdivisions, Strata subdivisions, Community & Company title subdivisions, Redefinition or delimitation surveys, Easement or lease surveys, Creation of easements or restrictions on title.
We also offer services in other areas of surveying including: Detail and contour surveys, Topographic surveys for road and engineering design, Works as executed surveys (W.A.E.), Lease area surveys (P.C.A.), Aerial photography control surveys, Australian Height Datum (A.H.D.) benchmark establishment, Floor level verification.
Wayne Dowdle has over 35 years experience as a registered surveyor, including 4 years working with the NSW DMR (RTA) & 31 years in private practice, with the last 18 years being on the NSW Central Coast. During his time in private practice, Wayne has been responsible for a range of projects, including large-scale subdivision design & construction on the NSW North Coast and South East QLD.
Open Monday - Friday
Boundary Identification, Cadastral Mapping, Construction Set Out, Construction Surveys, Detail Surveys, Development Applications, Feature Surveys, Lease Surveys, Level Surveys, Marking, Strata Surveys, Subdivision Planning, Topographical Mapping
Easements, Identification, Residential, Rural, Strata Titles, Subdivisions, Title
Free Quotes, Registered
Urban and Rural Subdivisions, Bushfire, Ecology, Town Planning, Boundary Marking, Building or Civil Construction
We offer many years of expertise in the following areas: Surveying, Town Planning, Ecology & Bushfire Consulting