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A rise in fuel prices can hurt your household budget. Save nearly 40% on your fuel bill by converting your petrol or diesel vehicle to LP gas.
With our LPG systems, you may even see increased torque and power. We make sure you get top performance and economy for your dollar by using brands such as Impco, Airod and others. We also service and re-certify your gas cylinders that are due for inspection.
Come to one place to get all your needs covered. Call us today for a quote on your car conversion.
Open Monday - Friday
Gas Tuning, Installations, Repairs, Servicing
Airod, APA Industries, BRC, Elko, Gas Research, Landi Renzo, Manchester, OMVL, Sprint Gas, Vialle
Automotive, Sequential Gas Injection Systems, Vapour Injection
A Grade Mechanic, Certified, Courtesy Cars, Inspections, Licensed
LPG, Tyres, Steering, Blue slip, Service, Suspension, Pink slip, Exhaust, Clutch, Petrol, Diesel, Remap, Brakes, Radiator, Green Slip
No, we do NOT test BBQ gas cylinders due to the cost of a new or exchange cylinder is quite cheap.
Yes, we carry out PINK and BLUE slips for cars, commercials and light trucks.
Yes, we have the latest Mainline AWD Dyno.