PO Box 3271 Tuggerah 2259

McCarley & Associates opening hours in Tuggerah

McCarley & Associates opening hours in Tuggerah

Mon By Appointment
Tue By Appointment
Wed By Appointment
Thu By Appointment
Fri By Appointment
Sat By Appointment
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Saturday by Appointment
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

McCarley & Associates - Promotion

About McCarley & Associates

  • Criminal offences
  • Driving offences
  • Centrelink prosecution
  • Mental health issues
  • Debt matters
We can assist with any mentions you have in the Central Coast on in the Newcastle area.
We are a small firm providing individual service and attention to every client. This personal approach ensures that you will receive the time, effort and energy your situation requires. You can be confident your matter will be handled professionally, sensitively and at a reasonable cost.

We specialise in Criminal Law cases, ranging from simple assault and driving offences to drug charges, sexual assault and murder charges. We have experience handling matters at the Local, District and Supreme Court level.

We also have an interest in assisting people with Mental Health issues and currently work with the Mental Health Advocacy Service at Wyong and Morisset Hospitals, and have worked with clients at Gosford and James Fletcher Hospitals.

We can also assist with advice on Centrelink Prosecution matters if you require information about Centrelink processes or procedures.


Products and Services

McCarley & Associates - Promotion


Assault, Copyright, Debts, Prosecutors, Traffic Offences


By Appointment, Legal Aid, Mobile Service


Burglary, Commonwealth Crimes, Culpable Driving, Discrimination, Domestic Abuse, Drink Driving, Drug Offences, Embezzlement, Fraud, Imprisonment, Minor Crime, Murder, Police Prosecutions, Reckless Driving, Restraining Orders, Serious Crime, Sex Offences, White Collar Crimes

Catering To

Criminal Law, Environmental, General, Sports Law

Additional Locations

Showing 1 locations in 1 states


  • How can a Solicitor help me?

    They can advise you of your rights; explain the alternatives; make a bail application for you; and represent you in Court.

  • What should I do when arrested?

    Insist that you be allowed to contact a lawyer.

  • When can I get bail?

    Usually after arrest and charging at a police station. In some circumstances bail can be denied. If in doubt contact a Solicitor.

  • Do I have to submit for a search?

    Police can stop, search and detain you in certain circumstances. They can pat you down, look in your pockets and bags and search your car. In some circumstances they can strip search you. The police officer must provide you with their name and reason for the search. The court will determine whether the police had reasonable grounds for the search at a later date.

  • Can I be arrested for questioning?

    Police can request you to accompany them to the police station but you are not required to go unless you have been arrested for an offence. It is not advisable to speak with the police until you have spoken to your Solicitor.

  • Can the police use force to arrest me?

    The police can use as much force as necessary to arrest you. The court will determine whether the force used was reasonable. What happens if I resist arrest? It is a criminal offence to resist arrest. You may be charged with resisting arrest even if the police determine not to charge you with any other offence.

  • How long do I have to stay in custody?

    Following an arrest the police may detain you for 4 hours. They can then apply for an extension of a further 8 hours. After this you must be either charged or released.

  • How should you prepare for Court?

    You should gather character references. If you need a driver's licence for work make sure you have a letter from your employer to say what will happen to your job if your licence is disqualified for a long time. If you have other reasons for needing a driver's licence, such as child care issues or health problems, make sure you have evidence to support this.

  • Is Legal Aid available?

    Legal aid is only available for traffic offences if there is a real possibility of a goal penalty, or there are exceptional circumstances. If you think you may be eligible for Legal Aid you should call them for advice.

  • Can you appeal?

    You can appeal but should seek legal advice before lodging any appeal. The appeal must be lodged within 28 days.