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Dr Amit Kalra & Dr (Mrs) Ravinder K Kalra are the owners of this practice. They have a young family comprising of two sons, eldest one born in 2005 & the younger one born in 2010. They have been in the Newcastle region since 2008. They have worked in public & private dental setups in the last few years, before deciding to start their own clinic in Swansea. Ravinder being prosthodontist, her expertise is in crown/bridges, dentures & full mouth rehab. Amit's expertise is in root canal treatment & cosmetic dentistry.
For your pain & anxiety, we offer you not only local anaesthesia but also nitrous oxide sedation (happy gas) and IV sedation. Our friendly & caring team will help relieve your phobia and anxiety associated with your visit to the dentist. All our treatment rooms are equipped with the television on the ceiling connected to digital TV channels & DVD players for your entertainment & distraction if you feel anxious at the dentist.
We know how little you look forward to visiting the dentist. We are here to change your view by providing you with the highest quality of dental care in an atmosphere that is friendly, supportive and relaxed.
24hr Emergency Service, Flexible Hours, Open 24hrs, Open 365 Days, Open Evenings, Open Evenings By Appointment, Open Late, Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays
Anti-snoring Devices, Bleaches, Braces, Brackets, Dental Flosses, Expansion Appliances, Lingual Braces, Mouthguards, Mouthwashes, Prostheses, Toothpastes
Abscess, Bumps, Chipped Teeth, Cleft Lip, Cracked Teeth, Crowded Teeth, Dead Teeth, Dental Pulp, Discoloured Teeth, Dry Mouth, Facial Trauma, Gum Diseases, Halitosis, Headaches, Infections, Inflammation, Inherited Disorders, Joint Disorders, Lumps, Nerves, Oral Cancer, Pressure, Sleep Apnoea, Sleep Disorders, Snoring, Stains, Swellings, Teeth Grinding, Temporomandibular Disorders, Tinnitus, TMJ Problems, Tooth Decay, Tooth Sensitivity, Traumatic Injuries, Whiplash, Wisdom Teeth
Abrasion, Amalgam Removal, Anaesthetics, Bite Correction, Bone Regeneration, Caps, Composite Fillings, Computer Imaging, CT Dentascan, Dental Bridges, Dental Crowns, Dental Extractions, Dental Implants, Dentures, Fillings, General Anaesthetic, Gum Treatments, Inlays, Laser Alignment, Occlusal Splints, Onlays, Pain Management, Porcelain Veneers, Prosthetics, Reconstructions, Relines, Replacements, Restorations, Root Canal Surgery, Root Canal Treatments, Sealants, Smile Makeovers, Snoring Devices, Straightening, Tartar Control, Teeth Cleaning, Teeth Whitening, X-rays
Bien Air, BriteSmile, Cerec, Colgate, Invisalign, LaserBrite, Neoss, Nobel Biocare, Oral-B, Penthrox, Procera, Rembrandt, Sensodyne, Smartbleach, Straumann, Zoom
ACA Health Benefits Fund, ADF Family Health, AHM, ANZ Health Insurance, Australian Unity, Bupa, CAD CAM Technology, CBHS, CDH Benefits Fund, CEREC 3D System, CUA Health, Defence Health, Department of Veterans' Affairs, Digital X-Ray, Fit Health Insurance, Frank Health Insurance, GMF Health, GMHBA, Grand United Corporate Health, HBA, HBF, HCF, Health Care Insurance, Health Partners, Healthguard, HealthPoint, HIF, High Tech Laser, Intra-oral Camera, Laser Caries Detector, Lasers, Latrobe Health Services, Lysaght Peoplecare, Manchester Unity, MBF, MDHF, Medibank Private, Microscopes, Mutual Community, National Health Benefits, Navy Health, NIB, NMRA Insurance, OHP, OPG X-Ray, Parking, Peoplecare Health Insurance, Phoenix Health Fund, Police Health, QTUHF, Queensland Country Health, RACT Health Insurance, Railway & Transport Health Fund, Reserve Bank Health Society, RT Health Fund, St George Health Insurance, St.Lukes Health, Teachers Federation Health, Teachers' Union Health, The Doctors' Health Fund, Transport Health, VPS Health Scheme, WAND, Westfund, Wheelchair Access
1hr Service, 24hr Turnaround, Accredited, Actu Endorsed, After Hours Service, ARC, Bonded, By Appointment, Certified, Children's Discounts, Consultations, Disabled Access, DVDs, Emergency Services, Evaluations, Examinations, Family Operated, Family Owned, Family Rates, Financing, Fixed Pricing, Free Consultations, Games, Government Subsidy, Guaranteed, Headphones, Home Visits, Insurance Accepted, Insurance Claims, Interest Free, Medicare, Monthly Payments, Movies, Music, Mutual Community Preferred Provider, No Referral Necessary, On-Site Services, Owner Operated, Payment Plans, Pensioner Discount, Quality Assurance Systems, Quotes, Registered, Same Day Service, Senior Discounts, Student Discounts, TVs, Veterans Affairs Card Holders, Warranties
Adults, Children, Cosmetic Dentistry, Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Drill Free, Endodontics, Family, General Dentistry, Holistic, Homeopathy, Hygienists, Infants, Injection Free, Maxillofacial Surgery, Micro-dentistry, Neuromuscular, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, Oral Surgeons, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Rehabilitation, Sedation Dentistry, Special Needs, Sports Dentistry, Teenagers
Sports Mouth guards,Grinding,, Orthodontic Braces Straightening, Pinny beach,Murrays beach,Jewell, Summerland point,Belmont South,, Specialist, 2280 2281 postcode, Pelican Blacksmiths Valentine,, experienced friendly painfree,TV, Laser dentistry,No referral, AMIT KALRA,RAVINDER K KALRA,pain, Anxiety,sedation,Nitrous Oxide,, Parking Rear Thru Coles Carpark,, Croocked,estimates,Health fund,, Extraction,White Fillings,Modern, Wheelchair access pram,Genetics,, Off street,specialized,Microscop, emergency dental,family kids,Gap, Oral surgery,Reconstructions,, Swansea,Belmont,Marks Point,, High filling,Food trap,sensitive, Swansea Heads,Cams Wharf,Moonee,, Partial Full Denture,reline,add,, Bad Breath,Bleeding gums,Brush,, Sharp,Lump,boil,staining,lockjaw, Dark amalgam,wisdom teeth,push, Consultation,Pain Managemant,GAS, Excruciating,dull,radiating,top,, Minimum intervention technology,, Chain Valley Bay,Crangan Bay, broken tooth repair,decay caries hole,, cosmetic treatments,check up,new, swelling,swollowing,ulcer tongue, EFTPOS,HICAPS,fund only checkups, Gwandalan,Lake Munmorah,Budgewoi, Newcastle,Charlestown,Swansea,, general dentistry dentist dental, Crowns Bridges Prosthodontics,, Central coast,Little Pelican, Hygiene hygienist teeth cleaning, Happy Gas,Local Anaesthesia,, Teeth Tooth Whitening Bleaching,, Prosthetic,snoring,grinding,chew, Porcelain Veneers, Recementing,, Root canal treatments,Loose,bite, Moderate prices pricing,Implants, Lake Macquarie,Hunter,PacificHwy, Catherine Hill Bay,Nords wharf,, Caves Beach,Warners Bay,Eleebana
Swellings are caused by an infection. Contact us immediately to receive treatment or antibiotics.
Please call the practitioner immediately so that we can arrange an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you.
If you are suffering from a painful toothache, something is wrong that requires attention. Contact us immediately to organise an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you. Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol are recommended; do not exceed the maximum dose.
Broken dentures can usually be repaired relatively easily. Please resist the temptation to glue them together yourself as this often makes a repair very difficult. Contact us to organise the repair.
Fractured teeth can usually be restored so there is no need to panic. If the tooth is painful, avoid hot or cold and avoid eating or biting on that side i.e. relieve the tooth from extremes of temperature and pressure. Painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol may help. Pain-free treatment is usually available by contacting us quickly.
Keep your crown safe so it can be re-cemented as soon as possible to avoid damage or the need for root canal treatment. Contact us immediately.
The tooth needs to be re-implanted into its socket immediately. Try not to handle the tooth root to protect the fibres around the root surface. If possible, place the tooth back into the socket and splint in place with silver paper. Do not place the tooth in water. Do place the tooth in cold milk or on one side of your mouth between your teeth and cheeks. Contact us immediately.