1 Begonia Place Port Macquarie 2444

JK Healthcare opening hours in Port Macquarie

JK Healthcare opening hours in Port Macquarie

8:30am - 4:00pm
8:30am - 4:00pm
8:30am - 4:00pm
8:30am - 4:00pm
Fri Closed
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
Public Holidays Closed
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About Us

JK Healthcare - Promotion

About JK Healthcare

  • Diabetes And Dietary Advice
  • Clear And Realistic Guidance
  • Quality Nutrition Services
  • Individual And Group Education
  • Latest Technology
JK Healthcare is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and Certified Insulin Pump Trainer facility.
Established in 2012 as a private practice, Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd has over a decade of knowledge to assist your diabetic and dietary needs. Owner, Accredited Practising Dietitian, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and Certified Insulin Pump Trainer, Jodie Kennett, provides honest, reliable knowledge with over 30 years' experience in the industry.

Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd is an Accredited Practising Dietitian, Credentialled Diabetes Educator and Certified Insulin Pump Trainer facility. We specialise in providing nutritional advice, diabetic support and insulin pump assistance to help meet your health goals.

Payment Methods

Also trades as
JK Healthcare

Products and Services

JK Healthcare - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Corporate Events, Seminars


Hospital Consulting, Menu Reviews, Nursing Home Consulting, Nutrition and Dietary Assessments, Nutrition Counselling, Nutrition Support, Patient Education


Acute Clinical Care, Aged Care, Community Health, Corporate Health, Corporates, Health, Hospitals, Rural Health


Accredited, Australian Owned, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Disabled Access, Home Visits, Mobile Service, Registered


Allergies, Arthritis, Blood Pressure, Bowel Problems, Cancer, Cholesterol, Coeliac Disease, Diabetes, Digestion, Food Intolerance, Food Sensitivity, Gestational Diabetes, Glucose Tolerance, Heart Health, Hyperlipidemias, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidneys, Loss of Appetite, Metabolic Disorders, Oncology, Osteoporosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Renal Disease, Under Nutrition, Underweight, Vegetarian, Weight Management

Catering To

Adults, Aged, All Ages, Men, Women


kempsey, starting insulin, insulin pump therapy, Food Allergies, Weight Loss Surgery Bariatric, Healthy Eating Plans, age care clients, taree, Diabetes Educator Lake Cathie, Dietitian Wauchope, Diabetes Educator Port Macquarie, Diabetes Diet, Diabetes Educator, Health Care Port Macquarie, High Cholesterol, Insulin Pump, Coeliac Disease, cde, Health Care Lake Cathie, weight management, Diabetes Educator Wauchope, Weight Loss Plan, Dietician, Woman's Health, Weight Loss Port Macquarie, Health Care Wauchope, Weight Loss Lake Cathie, Accredited Practising Dietitian APD, how to treat my high blood sugars hyper, IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome FODMAPS, insulin, Nutrition Advice, Dietitian Port Macquarie, Dietitian Nursing Homes, laurieton, Credentialed Diabetes Educator, ndis, Medicare Enhance Primary Care Program EPC, What is diabetes, type 1 diabetes, bariatric surgery, Diabetes Technology, gastric sleeve, CGM, DVA Department Veteran Affairs, type 2 diabetes, Blood Glucose Meters, Weight Loss Wauchope, How to treat my low blood sugar hypos, gastric bypass


  • What is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) and a Nutritionist?

    A Nutritionist provides a range of services related to nutrition and community health. A Dietitian has completed a university course and provides dietary counselling, group education sessions and food service management advice. Dietitians annually meet strict criteria and are eligible to join the Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) program. This is the only qualification for Dietitians recognised by Medicare, Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) and Private Health Insurers.

  • What is a Credentialled Diabetes Educator (CDE)?

    Credentialled Diabetes Educators have completed a post graduate certificate in Diabetes Education at a University. They are governed by the ADEA (Australian Diabetes Educators Association). CDE’s are also recognised by Medicare and the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA).

  • How can a dietitian help me at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    At Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd, we provide clear and realistic education regarding your dietary needs. We work with you to support you in your health goals and provide advice on how to achieve them. We also develop plans tailored to suit your individual needs. We offer individual and group education, attend hospitals and Nursing Homes, and visit businesses such as Child Care Centres.

  • What does a diabetes educator do At Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    Not only do we provide advice about the best foods to eat to help manage your Diabetes, we can also help you take advantage of the latest technology to help keep your blood glucose levels under control. We can provide you with a glucometer to test your blood glucose levels with, suggest some useful apps for your phone, help you with insulin injections, or even assist with an Insulin Pump or Continuous Glucose Monitoring Device (CGM).

  • Can I claim a rebate from my private health insurance for Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd only employs Accredited Practising Dietitians and Credentialled Diabetes Educators, who have Medicare and Private Health Provider Numbers. The rebate entitlement will depend on your level of Private Health cover. You do not need a referral to claim through your Private Health Insurance. JK Healthcare, we have a HICAPS machine on site to process your claim on the day of your appointment.

  • Can I claim a Medicare rebate At Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    If you would like to claim through Medicare, you will need an Enhance Primary Care (EPC) Plan from your Doctor. The EPC Scheme provides five visits to Allied Health Professionals (such as Dietitians) per calendar year, where a rebate is able to be claimed. Medicare rebates can be claimed on site at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd at the time of your appointment.

  • Does Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd see DVA (Department Of Veterans' Affairs) clients?

    Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd is a provider for DVA (Department of Veterans' Affairs). Please see your Doctor prior to your appointment for a D904 referral. Your appointments will be covered in full by DVA.

  • How long is my consultation at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    Initial consultations at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd are 45 minutes, and review consultations are 30 mins. The number of visits needed will vary according to your needs. Longer times may be needed for such activities as starting an Insulin Pump for the first time. We also offer a reminder SMS that is sent out the day before your appointment.

  • Do I need to bring anything to my appointment at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    Please bring any medical reports or test results relevant to your medical conditions. Bring your list of medications. If you have Diabetes, please bring your Glucometer or Diabetes Record Book with your blood glucose levels.

  • How do I make an appointment at Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd?

    Appointments can be made by calling Jodie Kennett Dietitian And Diabetes Educator, JK Healthcare Pty Ltd on (02) 6583 7717. Our friendly receptionist staff (Graham, Maddie, Bree or Meg) can also answer any questions you may have.