About Us
Products and Services
All rooms have modern amenities which include bathroom - some with baths, air conditioning, electric blankets, queen beds, television, direct-dial telephones, refrigerator, tea and coffee facilities, access to laundry facilities and dinner to units.
Open 365 Days
Hotels, Single Rooms, Twinshare Rooms
Colonial, Modern
Bookings, Check-In/Check-Out
1 - 19
Breakfast, Groups, Holidays, Non-smoking, Overnight, Queen Size, Short-term, Twin Beds, Weekends, Weekly
Bars, Car Parking, Coach Parking, Electric Blankets, Ensuites, Family Rooms, Gardens, Laundry, Licensed, Manager On-site, Playgrounds, Recreational, Refrigerators, Restaurants, Tea & Coffee Making, Telephones, TVs
Cafes, Families, Seniors, Shops
3.5 Star
Drive In Motel, Motor Inn, Motel, Accommodation, Hotel