12 Gidley St Molong 2866

The Molong Motor Inn


Motor Inn Friendly Country Hospitality

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12 Gidley St, Molong NSW 2866


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The Molong Motor Inn opening hours in Molong

The Molong Motor Inn opening hours in Molong

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  2. Products and Services

About Us

The Molong Motor Inn - Promotion

About The Molong Motor Inn

Convenient Location, Comfortable & Tidy, Affordable
The Molong Motor Inn is situated right in the heart of the beautiful town of Molong. It is centrally located and is easy walking distance to the local shops and tourist attractions. The Molong Motor Inn is a 3.5 Star motel beautifully situated with 16 units and 4 family rooms each catering for up to 5 guests.

All rooms have modern amenities which include bathroom - some with baths, air conditioning, electric blankets, queen beds, television, direct-dial telephones, refrigerator, tea and coffee facilities, access to laundry facilities and dinner to units.

Payment Methods

American ExpressCashChequesEFTPOSMastercardVisa
24 774 128 133

Products and Services

The Molong Motor Inn - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open 365 Days


Hotels, Single Rooms, Twinshare Rooms


Colonial, Modern


Bookings, Check-In/Check-Out


1 - 19


Breakfast, Groups, Holidays, Non-smoking, Overnight, Queen Size, Short-term, Twin Beds, Weekends, Weekly


Bars, Car Parking, Coach Parking, Electric Blankets, Ensuites, Family Rooms, Gardens, Laundry, Licensed, Manager On-site, Playgrounds, Recreational, Refrigerators, Restaurants, Tea & Coffee Making, Telephones, TVs

Catering To

Cafes, Families, Seniors, Shops


3.5 Star


Drive In Motel, Motor Inn, Motel, Accommodation, Hotel