Suite 16 12-18 Tryon Rd Lindfield 2070

Blumberg Family Lawyers opening hours in Lindfield

Blumberg Family Lawyers opening hours in Lindfield

8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
8:30am - 5:30pm
Sat By Appointment
Sun By Appointment
Public Holidays Closed
Open Monday to Friday and Saturday, Sunday By Appointment
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Blumberg Family Lawyers - Promotion

About Blumberg Family Lawyers

If you’re looking for a guiding hand and legal clarity at any stage of family life, contact us.
Blumberg Family Lawyers use our extensive combined experience and legal knowledge to guide our clients through the complex legal issues facing families by breaking them down into a step by step process tailored to each client’s circumstances and desired outcome. Many of our clients are life long and multi-generational families who appreciate the time and care we take to help them.

We help families in our community through all stages of family related legal considerations; from financial agreements before marriage to all aspects of relationship breakdowns, property purchases and sales, wills and succession planning.

Payment Methods

68 147 615 718
Also trades as
Blumberg Family Lawyers

Products and Services

Blumberg Family Lawyers - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday




Advice, Asset and Liability Statement, Confidentiality Agreements, Distribution Agreements, Executor, Power of Attorney


Arbitration, Assault, AVO, Children, Collaborative Law, Copyright, Debts, Deceased Estates, Estate Planning, Franchising, Prenuptial Agreements, Property Law, Settlements, Zoning


Accredited, Financing, Leasing, Registered


Abuse, Adoptions, Bankruptcy, Business Disputes, Child Inheritance, Child Support, Construction Disputes, Contractual Disputes, Custody Disputes, Death, Defective Products, Disability Claims, Discrimination, Dissolutions, Divorce, Domestic Partners, Farm Accidents, Harassment, Inheritance, Injuries, Insurance Disputes, Licence Disqualification, Missing Will, Paternity, Redundancy, Sale of Business, Shared Care, Superannuation

Catering To

Business, Company, Compensation, Construction, Contracts, Conveyancing, Criminal, De Facto, Employment, Estates, Family Law, Finance, General, Government, Industrial, Insurance, Intellectual Property, Mediation, Notary Public, Planning, Probate, Property, Real Estate, Rural, Sports, Succession, Tax, Trades, Trusts, Vehicle, Wills


Domestic Relationship Lawyers, Family Law, Consent Orders, Advice, Collaborative Law, Application, Family Court, Financial Agreement, Court, Binding Financial Agreement


  • When can I apply for a divorce?

    Either party (or both together) can make a divorce application once they have been separated from their spouse for a period of not less than 12 months. The basis of seeking a divorce is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably.

  • How do I apply for a divorce?

    Applications for divorce are brought in the Federal Magistrates Court of Australia. There is a filing fee payable to the court when filing an application for divorce. In most cases, it usually takes about three months for a divorce to be finalised from the time of filing.

  • What happens to my children?

    If there are children, the court must be satisfied that they are being properly cared for and the arrangements made for the children are satisfactory.