172-174 Wakaden St Griffith 2680

Griffith Regional Funeral Services

Funeral Directors

Provide Compassionate Service, Preserve Dignity & Maintain Respect

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172-174 Wakaden St, Griffith NSW 2680


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Griffith Regional Funeral Services opening hours in Griffith

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Griffith Regional Funeral Services opening hours in Griffith

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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Griffith Regional Funeral Services - Promotion

About Griffith Regional Funeral Services

  • Individual caring service by professional staff
  • Ensuring a memorable funeral for your loved one
  • Proving continuing care for you and your families
  • Providing peace of mind with pre-arranged funerals
  • Designing and installing personal memorials
Griffith Regional Funeral Services, proving individual care for you and your family when you have lost a loved one.
Owned and managed by local families, you can feel comfortable working with a people you already know. With over 25 years' experience with caring for local families, we can provide the care you deserve. Proving compassion, preserving dignity & maintaining respect the professional staff at Griffith Regional Funeral Services can cater for individual requests and provide you with a memorable funeral.

Individual Service

  • We provide the service you desire
  • We can individualise your service requests
  • Burial and cremation services
  • We care for you in your time of need

Pre-Arranged Funeral Care

We supply a service allowing you to pre-pay for your funeral. We discuss your personal wishes and allow you to cover the costs prior to your death relieving your family of the financial stress and provide you with peace of mind.

Memorial Supplies

We work with you and your family to design an individual memorial to mark the resting place of your loved one. Whether it be from a simple bronze plaque to a full granite memorial, we take the time and care to design a memorial for you.

67 621 357 104
621 357 104
Also trades as
Griffith Regional Funeral Services

Products and Services

Griffith Regional Funeral Services - Promotion


Coffins, Environmentally Friendly, Floral Tributes, Religious

Catering To

Cemeteries, Churches


Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Quotes


Attendants, Burials, Ceremonies, Committal Services, Cremations, Funeral Celebrants, Funeral Planning, Memorial Services, Pre-arranged Plans


Pre-Arranged, Director, Celebrant, Service, Regional, Griffith, Pre-Paid, Care, Cremation, Funeral, Burial, Celebracy, Wakaden, Cemetery, Marriage


  • I have a Pre-Arranged Funeral Contract with another funeral director, can I change it to your company?

    Yes. Your funeral fund invests money on your behalf. It remains your money and you can request it to be paid to the funeral director of your choice.

  • Can I have my funeral held somewhere other than a church?

    Yes. There are a number of options available as a funeral venue. From a graveside service to private gardens, your funeral can still reflect your personality and choice.

  • What faiths or religions do you cater for?

    We cater for all faiths and beliefs. We discuss your personal customs and cater for your individual needs.

  • Can you design a memorial for my parents' grave?

    Yes. We can design a memorial for your specific needs.

  • Can you provide a celebrant to conduct the funeral?

    Yes. We have a registered celebrant who provides dignified funerals and can also conduct weddings.

  • Do you provide an embalming service?

    Yes. For those requiring this service, the embalming can be arranged.