Enjoy Good Family Health & Aged Care With Country Flair
About Us
Continually striving for excellence in caring for our community, Finley Regional Care embraces a high standard of quality care that is person centred, progressive, comprehensive and which takes into consideration the lives of the individual, family and community. In the facilitation, promotion and provision of care we recognise the individual health status, family and social contact, religion and culture as well as their own special needs.
From the inception and throughout the development of all our services, it was imperative that Finley Regional Care establish a positive vision, a strong mission statement and a fundamental set of values on which to underpin our future growth and commitment to the community.
If you or your loved one requires a high level of aged care, Berriquin Nursing Home provides quality care (including dementia care) for its 44 residents who enjoy home style accommodation and a wide range of services, facilities and activities. You'll find the team at Berriquin Nursing Home are dedicated to the health, comfort and happiness of their clients in a nurturing and positive environment.
If you are considering coming into one of Finely Regional Care aged care facilities, the first step is to be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS).
This service is provided for people over 65 years of age, and is made up of geriatricians (doctors specialising in aged care), community nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists. Together they provide these important services:- Specialist aged care assessment Information about community services and how to be referred to them. Referral to health professionals and specialist clinics. Information about respite care and how to arrange it.
The various professionals included in the ACAS look at and assess your particular needs which help them decide which level of care is best suited for you. They will then put their recommendations into an Aged Care Assessment Report (ACCR).
An ACAR is a report which is compiled after you have been assessed. It outlines your particular care and personal needs and other relevant information and recommends the most appropriate level of care that you need. When you come to see us at Finely Regional Care about entering one of our aged care facilities, this report will give us vital information which will help us decide which facility is best suited to you.
You can ask your doctor, a social worker or a community nurse to arrange an aged care assessment or you can contact the Department of Health and Ageing. Or you can phone 1800 500 853 for details of the local ACAS and contact them directly. Or visit http://www.agedcareaustralia.gov.au/internet/agedcare/publishing.nsf/content/ACAT+finder