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Open Monday - Friday
Biopsy, Cancer Screening, Colonoscopy, Colorectal Surgery, Computerised Scanning, Endoscopy, Gastroenterology, Gastroscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, Ultrasounds
ACA Health, ADF Family Health, AHM, Australian Unity, Bupa, CBHS, CDH Benefits Fund, CUA Health, Defence Health, Doctors Health Fund, Fit, Frank, GMF, GMHBA, GU Health, HBA, HBF, HCF, Health Linx, Health Partners, Healthguard, HIF, Latrobe Health, Manchester Unity, MBF, MDHF, Medibank, Medicare, Mutual Community, National Health Benefits, Navy Health, NIB, NRMA, Onemedifund, Peoplecare, Phoenix Health Fund, Police Health, Queensland Country Health Fund, RBHS, RT Health, St.Lukes Health, Teachers Health Fund, Transport Health, TUH, Westfund, WorkCover
Accredited, Australian Owned, Car Parking, Day Surgery Facilities, Evaluations, Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Insured, JAS-ANZ, Licensed, Wheelchair Access
Abdomen, Chronic Illnesses, Constipation, Female Genitalia, Incontinence, Male Genetalia, Pain, Reflux, Stomach
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders, Adults, Babies, Hospitals, Men, Regional Clinics, Seniors, Teenagers, Veterans, Women