Skin Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment
About Us
Products and Services
Norwest and Mosman Skin Cancer Clinics provide professional skin services specialising in: *Skin Cancer detection, *Assessment of moles, *Digital monitoring of moles (mole mapping), *Medical treatments of Skin Cancer, *Surgical treatments of Skin Cancer, *General dermatologic surgery.
Norwest Address: A2/24 Lexington Drive Bella Vista Tel 8824 8088
Mosman Address: Level 2, 393 Military Road Mosman Tel 9969 1633
Open Monday - Friday
Cancer Screening, Cancer Surgery, Dermatology, Medical Assessments, Minor Surgery, Mole Removal, Non-invasive Cancer Treatment, Non-Invasive Treatment, Precancer Management, Preventive Medicine, Regular Skin Reviews, Skin Cancer, Skin Cancer Screening
Veterans Affairs
Accredited, Car Parking, Certified, Consultations, Disabled Access, No Referral Necessary, Registered, Wheelchair Access
Cancer, Melanoma, Non-melanoma, Skin Damage, Wrinkles
BCC Diagnosis & Treatment, Melanoma Surgery, Mole Mapping, Skin Cancer Surgery, SCC Diagnosis & Treatment, Digital Mole Photography, Skin Cancer Detection
Norwest Skin Cancer Centre doctors assess patients for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of skin cancers within a purpose designed setting. They have post-graduate training and qualifications in the field of skin cancer diagnosis and management, including the use of Dermoscopy.
Referrals are not necessary, however, we accept referrals from all GP's. We also see many patients who have been referred by family and friends. A full skin examination costs between $70 and $120, depending on the time taken. Procedural costs are discussed with patients, and range from $70 to $700, depending on complexities, although generally they are between $150 and $400. Medicare rebates approximately 50% to 70% of the fee. Age Pensioners and DVA Veterans are Bulk Billed for most services.
Any skin spot that is new, odd looking, tender or changed in either shape or colour should be assessed by a doctor. A good way to remember this is with the word CLUES (Changing, Lonely, Unusual, Evolving, Sensitive). We have a "Spot Check Priority" appointment available each day for anyone that is concerned about a particular lesion - this way we can see urgent patients within 24 to 48 hours. Please let our secretaries know if you are concerned about a spot that may need urgent assessment.