7 Wark Parade Bathurst 2795


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West Bathurst Preschool Inc opening hours in Bathurst

West Bathurst Preschool Inc opening hours in Bathurst

Mon By Appointment
Tue By Appointment
Wed By Appointment
Thu By Appointment
Fri By Appointment
Sat By Appointment
Sun Not Provided
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  3. FAQs

About Us

West Bathurst Preschool Inc - Promotion

About West Bathurst Preschool Inc

We offer a range of specialist programs such as inclusion support, cultural integration & an innovative Early Start program.
West Bathurst Preschool Inc. manages two preschool services & offers high quality education and care for up to 160 children each week. We are a community based not for profit organisation where parents are involved in the running and management of the service, giving you the opportunity to have input into your child's education in their preschool years.

Each of our classes offers a stable group with consistent educators enabling children to establish strong and caring relationships with both their carers and their peers. West Bathurst Preschool Inc. prides itself on the quality and consistency of its staff, enabling every child access to a university trained early childhood teacher and qualified and experienced child care educators.

Payment Methods

CashDirect DebitEFT
33 025 491 030

Products and Services

West Bathurst Preschool Inc - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Boys, Educational, Full Day, Girls, Holiday, Individual Needs, Literacy, Multicultural, Music, Part Day, School Readiness


Accredited, Air Conditioned, By Appointment, Inspections, Licensed, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Occasional Care, Registered, Shaded Playground

Catering To

2 Yrs, 3 Yrs


West Bathurst Preschool In Bathurst, West Bathurst Preschool In NSW, Kindergartens, West Bathurst Preschool Inc, Pre-Schools In NSW, Pre-Schools In Bathurst, West Bathurst Preschool Inc NSW, Kindergartens In Bathurst, Kindergartens In NSW, West Bathurst Preschool Inc Bathurst


  • Does the preschool open in school holidays?

    West Bathurst Preschool closes during the NSW gazetted school holiday periods.

  • Is all the staff qualified?

    West Bathurst Preschool has above the minimum requirement for university trained teachers. Every child attending preschool will have a university trained teacher leading the class. All other staff are either Diploma or Certificate III trained in early childhood related fields.

  • Can I claim child care benefit for preschool fees?

    West Bathurst preschool is 'registered care'. Families using registered care are entitled to the minimum rate of child care benefit for a maximum of 50 hours of care per child per week, but are not entitled to the child care tax rebate. To claim this money, take your preschool receipts to the Family Assistance Office to make a claim.