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Wallaby Painting opening hours in BATHURST

Painters & Decorators near me

Wallaby Painting opening hours in BATHURST

7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
7:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
Open Monday to Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

Wallaby Painting - Promotion

About Wallaby Painting

  • Exceptional Workmanship
  • Highly Skilled Painters
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Top-Notch Finish And Superior Results
  • Fully Licensed And Insured
Wallaby Painting is an Orange based residential painting company servicing Orange, Bathurst, Wollongong & Southern Highlands
We pride ourselves on providing exceptional craftsmanship within the painting trade while providing an unmatched customer service experience. Our team of highly skilled painters and project managers are dedicated to delivering quality results to every job we undertake.

A fully licensed and insured painter in Bathurst, our team at Wallaby Painting specialises in colour consultation, residential painting, residential repainting, and internal/external painting. We are highly-skilled professional painters and are committed to delivering top-tier results always. With premium-quality restoration and renovation work, we ensure customer satisfaction. We offer timely painting services at reasonable rates. Contact us for all your house painter requirements and we assure you quality work.

We can help with colour consultations to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your property. Whether it is a new house that needs to be painted or you require repainting services to upgrade your home, Wallaby Painting is here to enhance the overall look of your home in Bathurst. Our positive customer reviews keep us motivated to constantly upgrade ourselves with the latest tools and painting techniques to offer nothing but the best every time.

Known for our excellent workmanship, we provide top-notch internal and external painting and complete all the painting projects well within schedules. We value our customers and believe in building lasting relationships with our quality work. For best-in-class house painter services with a superior finish at competitive prices in Bathurst, contact Wallaby Painting and we ensure customer satisfaction.

Contact us and we are happy to assist!

12 150 745 771

Products and Services

Wallaby Painting - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday


Federation, Heritage, Modern


Maintenance, Re-painting, Repairs, Restorations, Spray Painting


Borders, Commercial, Industrial, Renovations, Walls

Catering To

Buildings, Exterior, Homes, Interior, Kitchens, New Construction, Offices, Restaurants, Shops


Painters, NSW Painters Cowra, Painters Orange NSW, Painters Orange, Decorators, House painter orange, House painter Cowra, Painters & Decorators, Painters Cowra, Painter Orange

Additional Locations

Showing 1 locations in 1 states


  • Who is Wallaby Painting?

    Wallaby Painting is a residential and commercial painting company based in the Central West of New South Wales, servicing Orange/Bathurst and surrounding areas.

  • What services do they offer?

    They specialize in residential re-paints, providing efficient and effective solutions for exterior and interior federation home repaints, as well as colour changes.

  • How can customers contact Wallaby Painting?

    Customers can contact Wallaby Painting by phone at 0407 076 106 or by email at [email protected]. They also have a NSW license number 371315C and an ABN 12 150 745 771 for reference.