Crowe Horwath Bathurst Business Awards
About Us
Products and Services
We offer services to 140+ people with disabilities through supported employment, transition to work, our lifestyle and learning services, community participation, accommodation & respite support.
Our purpose is to be the first choice provider of quality services and products for the benefit of people with disabilities through the development of highly trained professional staff operating residential and work appropriate vocational centres as established within the organisation.
Flexible Hours
Community Living, Special Needs, Transportation
Aged Care, Attendant Care, Residential Support, Respite Care, Vocational Training
Certified, Disabled Access, ISO, Registered, Standards Australia
Blindness, Deaf Blind, Deafness, Intellectual Disabilities
Adults, All Ages, Children, Females, Males, Youth
respite, day programs, accommodation
Glenray aims to be the leading provider of quality disability support in Central West NSW, empowering individuals with disabilities to live the life they choose.
Glenray started in 1957 as a special school in a repurposed horse stable, founded by Mrs. Glen Fogarty and Mrs. Beryl Dowling to provide education for children with disabilities.
The team is committed to executing the organisation’s strategy and overseeing its day-to-day operations, supported by disability support workers to deliver high-quality, reliable support.