11 BEST local Tuition & Tutoring in Bunbury WA | Yellow Pages®

11 Results for Tuition & Tutoring Near You

1 to 1 Tutoring

Tuition & Tutoring, South Bunbury, WA 6230

Open until 8:30pm

1 To 1 Tutoring

Tuition & Tutoring, South Bunbury, WA 6230

Rock 'N Roll High

Music Teachers, Bunbury, WA 6230

Handy tips

Questions to ask when interviewing a tutoring service

We’ve gathered a list of possible questions you can ask before working with the tutor.

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • What do you enjoy about being a tutor?
  • What are your qualifications/educational background?
  • What qualities do you have that make you a good tutor?
  • How long have you been a tutor?
  • How would you describe your approach to teaching?
  • What specific strategies have you found to be most successful when you start to work with a new client?
  • Can you tell me a little bit about your teaching philosophy?
  • What kind of results can I expect to see?
  • How will you communicate with me, and how often?
  • What can I do to support the tutoring process?

If you decide that you’re happy to go ahead, set up some time to go through the service itself.

  • What is your availability?
  • Where will the tutoring sessions take place?
  • How long is each tutoring session?
  • What is your policy for cancellations and make-up sessions?
  • What method of payment do you accept?

Here at Yellow Pages, we make it easy to find local tutoring centres near you to help you achieve the best tuition for your child. Why not get started today by searching browsing our online directory for tutoring companies and after-school tutoring?

Frontline Safety & Training Services

Training, Mentoring & Development, East Bunbury, WA 6230

PPD Training

Training, Mentoring & Development, East Bunbury, WA 6230

Open until 4:30pm

Legal ID: Computer lab available for independent study

WA Basketball Academy

Basketball Equipment, Coaching & Venues, College Grove, WA 6230

WA Basketball Academy

Basketball Equipment, Coaching & Venues, Carey Park, WA 6230