Local Paediatric Medicine in Alice Springs NT

1 Results for Paediatric Medicine Near You

Bath Street Family Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Alice Springs, NT 0870

Open until 6:30pm

Plus Visiting Sports Medicine, Cardiology & Surgery Specialists

Personalised care
Quality services
Professional team
AGPAL Accredited.
Approved NT Yellow Fever vaccination centre
Personalised care
Quality services
Professional team
AGPAL Accredited.
Approved NT Yellow Fever vaccination centre
Bath Street Fam­i­ly Med­ical Cen­tre was built in 1984 by a group of gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­ers deter­mined to deliv­er a broad range of pri­ma­ry med­ical ser­vices to the res­i­dents of Alice Springs. Over the last 30 years the prac­tice has expand­ed its ser­vices to include a sur­geon, sports physi­cian and numer­ous allied health pro­fes­sion­als to improve health out­comes for our patients.